Big Little Lies

Foghorn Review
Foghorn Review
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2017

What happens when a group of moms play dirty in the schoolyard?

Drama, that’s what!

This book is like a season of a primetime ABC show. Oh wait, you can watch this show on HBO.

I didn’t really have any expectations going into this book, I didn’t even read the back cover until well into the book, but I did pick it up due to the hype around it — which always risks being a hit or a miss.

This was a hit.

Three moms, with different family dynamics, all collide into a strong friendship due to their children all starting kindergarten together.

We move through the book hearing from each woman’s perspective: Celeste who seems to have it all including a wealthy husband, Madeline who goes out of her way to make everyone happy, and Jane who is new to town and a single mother.

This book shows us the power of friendships and how certain events can bring a group of people together — no matter how much you like each other up until that point.

Yes, there is a twist, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a few guesses halfway through the book. I’m not one to think ahead in stories, I really enjoy reading page by page, but this one I had a couple predictions.

It was still a very enjoyable read.

Get ready for a little mystery and a lot of drama.

I also found it fitting for a summer read, finishing it while lounging in our new hammock!

Rent it from the library, or order your copy of Big Little Lies

from Amazon!

