Happy Place

Fọlá’s Diary — #002

Fọlábòmí Àmọ̀ó
Fọlá’s Corner
Published in
1 min readMar 22, 2021


Photo by Nathan McDine on Unsplash

Too many times, as men and as Africans, we delude ourselves into thinking that discussing mental health or showing some certain symptoms are considered as weakness.

The misguided ones join in too; hiding how they feel, just to conform with the crowd. Hurting deep inside, but their bravado will not let them ask for help.

It is not

to wake up;
in the night

It is not
to have fear

or to quaver
in the wake
of your demons

It is not
a flaw
to scream out
and ask
for help

It is not
to share
the stories

that haunt
your soul.

You are human. You are entitled to be sad. You have the right to not be okay. Do not let anybody convince you otherwise.

You are not weak. You are just like everyone else.

