A Good Morning

Folded Pages
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2020

Made my bed, replaced the cushions,

Folded the blankets, straightened the bedsheet,

Put on my morning podcast,

Set the milk to heat for exactly 7 mins,

Then it hit,

Like a breath of sunshine,

A dirge of sadness,

Helplessness woven around it,

Like the Red Sox losing motivation

To push harder for the world series,

Sudden, abrupt and unannounced,

Decrepit memories of losses

throughout my life,

A whirlpool of seminal dejection,

Sucked me in,

On a perfectly amicable workday at 8 am,

Did I put a foot wrong,

Did I floss my teeth too hard?

Did I sleep on the wrong side of my bed?

Maybe this is what they mean by sadness,

Not the seemingly innocuous pain I felt

when the Big Mac went out of stocks that night,

Is this a quarter life crisis, but Im 27,

I love my work, my life,

How can this happen to me ?

Am I working too hard ?

Should I take a vacation ?

Will I ever be successful ?

Is life fair ?

Why I am questioning everything about something,

My mental health is acting up,

Clearly we are not on the same page,

Like homonyms, my aspirations

and realities are colliding,

Making a mess of the sentences

My mind wants to make sense of,

Should I suck it up and fake the


Even better, Ill take the therapy,

I have been avoiding.

