Crutch of hope

Folded Pages
Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2020

I am losing myself to an illusion
of a happier me,
Unkind as it is, I cant help it,
I have read tomes on mental wellness,
I am the first to respond to other people’s
anxieties, yet the quickest,
My clutch on myself is by far the most lose
I have seen,
No, suicide isnt an option my brain is considering,
Its veering into sad lanes, unoccupied streets
where there is no pittance of courage,
No slice of joy,
Stuck in this whirlpool of misery & plight,
The sun fails to peer through my day while
it bursts open the french windows, burning the rug on my wooden floor,
Here it is then, another night lost to sleep,
Another day will be conquered by mindlessness, loneliness and banal observations of a myriad instagram posts,
My truant act of rebellion to solve problems is getting the better of me,
Maybe writing this down will help me,
But, has recounting fears ever helped anyone?

