Nothing Lasted

Folded Pages
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2020
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The club sandwich you ordered is off the menu,

They couldn’t find the means to sustain it,

The Korean lipstick brand you adored,

Has recently shut down,

The bookstore off the street we went to,

It has given wings to a kindle reader,

The messages you sent over the cdma phone,

They are intact & inaccessible,

The marron tshirt you gifted me,

Doesn’t fit me anymore,

The place you come from,

Is no longer connected to the nation,

The roads connecting my house,

To your home,

They built a flyover on it,

The shades you wore,

Couldn’t see the light of the day,

Now I go around & beyond,

Circumvent the memories,

Keeping a straight resolve,

With a conspicuous loss of relatability,

An affirming sense of despair,

A depressing belief of dawn.

