Keep Your Glass Half Empty for the Right Water

Zaya Mardika
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2021

There are some weaknesses in your football skills that you can’t see because: (1) you ignore it on purpose or (2) you focus on fixing another part seems more important. The easiest way to recognize your weaknesses is by recording your training session or match. Then, you can see what needs improvement for the next training or match.

You need to pay attention to the pattern of your mistakes because they don’t happen randomly. There are reasons behind. Maybe you are a sloppy person so you tend to make mistakes during easy skills. Or maybe you are an impatient person so you want to do everything as quickly as possible, but mess up everything. You should know yourself better than anyone else, so try your best to see and work on your weaknesses.

Another way is to have your own personal football coach to point out some of your weaknesses. Then, consider that advice from your personal coach. Think if it’s related to your goal and if it can help you reach a higher level.

Next, you can ask for advice from a teammate that you trust and has the ability to give constructive criticism.

However, the most common option that you can choose is to get feedback from your team’s coach. Your coach will tell you what he expects from you. He’ll tell you how you can benefit the team’s performance. Hopefully, this makes you a useful player for them.

Keep looking for useful feedback about yourself. It is crucial for you to keep on moving towards your goal. At the same time, you have to be aware that not all feedback can be useful. Make sure you know how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Some people give you harsh feedback in order to attack you, and some people give you honest, blunt feedback (though it can feel harsh) because they want you to reach your highest potential. Keep your glass half empty for the right water.

Author @zaya.mardika
Editor @c.e.david



Zaya Mardika
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