FOLK Developers Submission Guidelines

Developer FOLK
FOLK Developers
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2020

We’ve arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on technology and its application. FOLK Developers publish at the intersection between technology and the art to apply it in mindful ways. We believe in the philosophy of creating content and then wait until our readers come around in need of it.

FOLK Developers connects you with a community of tech professionals, scholars, and impactful people who cling to the ideology that quality is everybody’s responsibility that makes way for our nifty content.

We would like to offer a few tips that would make sure your great article gets a tinge of our excellence by meeting the following quality checks.


  • Good things, when short, are twice as good. Be brief but comprehensive, people are reading your article because they think you have something new to share. Good writing is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.
  • A technical article should be at least four minutes in length. If it’s any shorter then it’s not telling very much about the topic.
  • Who likes just a wall of text? Add some gifs and graphics to spice things up. Make use of diagrams/illustrations wherever possible.
  • Everyone is busy. Write being respectful of the reader’s time by taking as little of it as possible, a silver bullet to get people to pay attention.
  • Add an engaging header image at the top of your article. As that is the first thing that is seen by your reader especially when the reader is browsing through a list of articles.
  • Readers love code demonstrations. Make use of medium embeds such as Github gists, CodeSandbox, Codepen, Stackblitz and many more to embed code to your tech-savvy article.
  • If you are using a copyrighted media please make sure to make a mention of the creator’s name under the media. Say, if it’s an image, add the source of the image in the image-text.
  • Be unique and creative. If you submit an article about “How to center a div using CSS” then we may probably send you links to all other articles that talk about aligning divs using CSS.
  • Use the free version of Grammarly. Unless you are someone who is writing an outstanding technical article on a hot topic but with poor English skills, we’re not going to rewrite it for you.
  • If English is your first language and you make grammatical, spelling, semantic errors then your submission may get bounced back to you.
  • When we have written something and we give it a re-read we spot a few errors. However, when we read the same thing a week later we tend to notice many more embarrassing errors and we end up laughing at ourselves. So re-reading a piece, a few times really helps.


  • Don’t send us articles of technical opinions. Don’t send us write-ups that don’t tell anything new to the readers or if it’s an opinion from start to finish.
  • Don’t write copies of documentation and pass that as an article. It won’t get published.
  • We don’t encourage you to write a guide to install some package or tool as that would already be mentioned in the product’s/tool’s/package’s readme. We don’t want another copy of that here.
  • Don’t send us advertisements disguised as articles.
  • Don’t send us a bunch of short articles that are all two to three minutes each or even less.
  • Don’t use copyright content without mentioning the name of the creator.


If you would like to have your article featured, please feel free to email or reach out to our Editor on twitter. Please share your articles in the draft mode only.

Aditya Patnaik


Twitter: ( @adityapatnaik_ )

Instagram: ( @adityapatnaik_ )


We need articles that would turn the publication into a learning-heaven. Great content would call for great readers and great readers would call for great contributors. And we seek to build a family out of all our developers/ readers.

Be unique, Be concise, Use Grammarly, Make your Article speak for itself. Make it visually expressive. Add demonstrations. Engage your readers in your article and make them feel at home.

Let’s build a community for everyone. Are you with us?

