Build real-time web applications using WebSockets!

Gürkan UÇAR
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2022

What is the WebSocket?

WebSocket is a bi-directional communication protocol. Communication provides over a single TCP connection.

Thanks to the WebSocket protocol server and client can communicate in real-time.

Where can we use WebSockets?

There are many cases to use WebSocket

  • Chat Applications
  • Location Tracking
  • Game Development
  • Collaborative Apps
  • Trade and Cryptocurrency Apps

What is the difference between HTTP and WebSocket Connection?

  • HTTP is unidirectional, and WebSocket is bi-directional.
  • When you send an HTTP request connection will close after getting a response but when you connect over WebSocket and send data to the server, the connection will still be alive.
  • WebSocket is faster than HTTP.
  • HTTP is stateless and opens a new connection for each request, but WebSocket can communicate over a single connection.

Some WebSocket Libraries

SocketIO : Very popular socket library =>


SockJS :



WebSocket Alternatives

Short Polling: send and receive requests at specific time intervals (every x seconds)

Long Polling: send and receive requests at specific time intervals but the server will keep the requests open until the timeout. If the server finds something it will respond (timeout 5 seconds, server found something in 2 seconds. It will respond).

Server-Sent Events: SSE is a uni-directional communication channel from server to client only. Server-Sent Events allow receiving data without polling. A client subscribes to a “stream” from a server and the server will send messages to the “event stream”. Mostly used for push notifications.


Spring Boot & SocketIO & Reactjs — Chat application


