Which programming language is the best for microservices?

Murat Karakurt
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2023

Discussing programming language is something like a political program. Every developer defends the programming language she/he uses excessively. However, programming languages should be seen as what they really are, a working tool. Every programming language has a spesific purpose.

Basically, any programing language that you’ve heard can be used for develop microservice. You have to identify requirements and bounded contexts of your application. Maybe miscroservice performs a lot of I/O operations or processing large masses of data.

Python stands out with its easy-to-understand syntax and rapid development features. Java offers reliability and performance as strong options. The lightweight structure of the Go language facilitates fast communication among microservices.

While each language has its unique advantages, the best language choice depends on the specific needs of your project. In this story, you will explore the diversity of languages in the microservices world and find clues to determine which language is the most suitable.

So, How can we choose the right language? There is some parameters that should be analyzed before choose.

  • Proficiency
  • Performance
  • Development praticality
  • Ecosystem
  • Scalability Cost


In the dynamic world of software development, a developer’s skill level in a specific programming language determines their proficiency in that language. Proficiency encompasses more than just knowing the basic syntax of a language; it also involves understanding the nuances, best practices, and development processes of that language.

Proficiency level includes not only a developer’s ability to write code but also advanced skills such as debugging, code optimization, and implementing security measures. Developers, with their deep knowledge of preferred languages, not only impact their projects but also find opportunities to enhance their skills across a broad technical spectrum. Proficiency plays a crucial role in determining the quality and effectiveness of projects implemented in a language, emphasizing the importance for every developer to prioritize the mastery process in their chosen language.


This is a key requirement in choosing programming language for a microservice. When we are talking about performance, many points arise: network communication layer, access database, server avaliability… All thesee topic are critical for microservices.
When we are talking about performance, no matter the skill of develeopment team. We have to choose the right language. Performance related to a metric similar to how code beehavees when responding to a request. Deefinitely, personal or team performance is not included this metrics.

Development of Practicality

The requirement for measuring speed in feature implementation for production is crucial, involving both existing and potential development teams. Success in application development is often tied to code simplicity and understandability, essential for accommodating changes and introducing new features. While good programming practices aid in understanding legacy code, language complexities can hinder this process. Some programming languages may offer high performance but could be time-intensive for new implementations. In scenarios like a startup launching a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), where quick feature updates are essential, practicality often outweighs performance concerns. This is particularly important when developing microservices and selecting a programming language for efficiency.

Scalability Cost

The cost of scaling an application hinges on two key factors: the speed of the chosen stack in implementing software, including processing algorithms and request responses, and the ability to scale the business aspect of the application, considering the time and predictability of applying new features. In microservices architecture, scalability costs are associated with smaller, less integrated components. Consideration of real-time interactivity is crucial for applications like online games, while illustrative applications, like newspapers or streaming services, may prioritize processing efficiency over real-time dynamics. Understanding the nature of the microservice to be developed is paramount to managing costs effectively.

In the dynamic realm of software development, the selection of programming languages such as Java, C#, Go, Python, and JavaScript plays a crucial role when implementing microservices architectures. Each language has its unique advantages and disadvantages. Java and C# excel in providing reliability and performance for large-scale projects, but they come with disadvantages like platform dependence. Go stands out with fast compile times and built-in support for parallel programming, but it may have limitations in language features and a relatively young ecosystem. Python shines with its readable syntax and extensive library support, though its performance may sometimes lag behind. JavaScript offers flexibility with its capability to work on both front-end and back-end, but its language complexity and occasional performance issues can be challenges.

In conclusion, careful consideration of the programming language is essential when opting for microservices architecture. Each language has its unique pros and cons, and the choice should be made based on the project’s needs and the expertise of the development team. In practice, factors such as application requirements, rapid development, performance, or scalability will determine which language is most suitable. To achieve the best results, it is crucial for team members to understand their capabilities in the chosen language and the specific needs of the project.

