Contact Info

Greg Perry
Follow Flutter
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2019

‘There’s got to be a way’ — is my mantra!

Dart Packages Support

With more and more published Dart Packages under my belt, I felt a readily available means to contact me for support was warranted. Below, are some ways you can get ahold of me.

Via Responses On Medium

If you want to ‘message me’ now. How about right here? Simply ‘write a response’ to this so-called story, and we can communicate via

Write a response

Of course, there’s the old fashion way by email. I hope to reply within two days. (Remove the ‘space’ between @ and ‘a’ — it’s to throw off the spiders):



GITTER flutter/flutter

For your more general Flutter questions and concerns, I’ll recommend you go to GITTER flutter/flutter where the Flutter community lives and attempts to help its members with their everyday challenges in Flutter.

Andrious on GITTER

I do have my own page on Gitter where you can post specific issues regarding the Flutter Packages I’ve currently released and support.


DISCORD of Flutter is another resource I’ll recommend. It offers leads to further resources and, of course, insight and advice by your fellow Flutter developers.

