MVC in Flutter

Greg Perry
Follow Flutter
Published in
Apr 24, 2020

The MVC design pattern in Flutter

In late October, back in 2018, I offered the package, mvc_pattern, to supply an MVC design pattern approach to your next Flutter app. It was a hit.


Like with many things in life, it’s only gotten better with age. It’s been improved by further integrating into and even mirroring Flutter but still retaining the spirit that is the MVC design pattern. Of course, the code is open-source for all to see. Eventually, a framework package called, mvc_application, was published that assists in the development of Flutter apps using the package, mvc_pattern, as it's core.

As time went on, twelve free articles on the subject have been published on They and more are all presented here now for your convenience. Also, because this article serves as a supplementary resource for yet another article, Your Next MVC Flutter Project. All the articles are collected in one place for readers to ‘get up to speed’ with MVC return to ‘mainstream.’


The articles are in the order I would read them, but the ‘World’s Your Oyster!’, read whatever catches your eye. Do realize as with any software, a lot has changed in the code and some of the older articles listed at the end are beginning to show their age, but the concepts they convey still hold up.

Flutter + MVC at Last!
Bazaar in MVC
Shrine in MVC
Weather App with “mvc_pattern”
A Design Pattern for Flutter
MVC in Flutter Part 1
MVC in Flutter Part 2
MVC in Flutter Part 3
Your Next Flutter Project
An MVC Approach to Flutter
Flutter Faster!
Clean up all the Flutter!

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