Why Follow The Money

Follow the money
Follow The Money Blog
2 min readJul 16, 2019

Follow The Money! The title is click-baity but so what? FTM is a soliloquy of chaos, rants, BS filters and self introspection. I’m not an emotional person, It’s almost impossible for me to communicate at an emotional level. In fact, based on Myer’s Briggs personality tests, I’m a Logician(INTP-A). This is my new way to express myself and I’ll pretend that no one’s reading.

I’ve always found creative ways to express myself, when I was young, it was music. Then I started hustling and got absorbed into the business world, no time for music anymore. I started a podcast a month after I turned 22, it allows me to express myself through conversations that I have with my guests. YouTube allows me to be raw and share my thoughts, inspirations and positions on a lot of things. Through those mediums, I get to see other people who share the same mindset and attitude like myself, very interesting.

The problem with those media platforms is that they are not just about me, I create the content with others in mind so I cant fully express myself. I somewhat have to give a fuck about the guest, viewers and publishing platforms which is not really within my style/personality.

Follow the money blog is where I can express myself and write whatever the fuck I want, these are observations and notes to self. This is inspired by my real life, wins, losses, anger and daily internal battles as a hustler. The world is really a big shithole.

A world of BS

Humans love narratives! Humans are like a tetris brick game! It’s not the truth what matters; it’s what they have been told or what they have been taught. I’ve tried “intelligent” ways to navigate the world, they work only to some level but you’ll always return to this very point; “Humans love narratives.”

The narrative problem makes it easier for BS to settle through the news, media, music, advertising, politics and formal education. These are the things that destructs people from the truth, become very predictable and a mere tool in the system.

