Let’s Talk About Sarah Lynn

The most misunderstood character in Bojack Horseman.

Karin Cho
Follow Your Heart


Source: Sarah Lynn Fan Art

At first glance, Sarah Lynn may come off as a obnoxious, entitled, and bat-shit crazy character. In earlier episodes I viewed her in a negative light, but after digging deeper into her character and understanding the truth behind her facade, she’s a lot deeper than I originally thought. Now here’s the thing, she is definitely unstable and suffers through many issues throughout the show. But keep in mind that she did not ask for this lifestyle and is also in a toxic environment that helps perpetuate her unhealthy behavior. It is implied many times throughout the show that she always dreamed of being an architect. She mentions it numerous times in the flashbacks as a kid, and even repeats it during her last days with Bojack. This means that she never actually wanted to be a child star, and it is known that many children who are in the industry have suffered through abuse and neglect. Children are supposed to enjoy their youth, but Sarah Lynn is forced to be in a position where the spotlight is constantly on her.

There is an episode where her own mother bashes her for opening up about wanting to be an architect. Her mother scolds her, “Honey, college is for ugly people who can’t tap-dance. Mommy didn’t do what Mommy did to that Star Search Producer so that you could be an architect.”…



Karin Cho
Follow Your Heart

Author of “Moonlight Confessions” now available on Amazon! Email: writerkarincho@gmail.com • IG: @seoulstrawberry