Letters Unsent

Nikolai Quack
Follow Your Heart
Published in
1 min readMay 1, 2020

The ink still quivers in my reflection

leaving room for words unspoken

not quite knowing the direction

in which to go to show a token

of loving affection

I’ve been meaning to send

I wrote this short little poem a couple of months ago. Communication between human beings may just be one of the most fascinating, infuriating and touching subjects one can think of. My hope is that whoever reads this tells that one person what they’ve been meaning to. To quote one of my favorite anime: “No letter that could be sent deserves to go undelivered.”



Nikolai Quack
Follow Your Heart
Writer for

A German enthusiast of many a thing. Among them: Films, poetry, art, literature, history, politics, music, philosophy, psychology and much more.