15 Human Skills We Have That AI Can’t Match

AI is everywhere. But can it do all this?

Sana Uqaili
Follower Booster Hub


Dastmyer SEO AI Image Creator

These days, all we hear is “AI this,” “AI that.”

By 2026, it’s predicted that total search engine volume will drop by 25%. This means about 25% fewer people will visit your blog for answers.

With AI integrated into search engine results pages, this decline could be even steeper.

But instead of being thrown off by these “predictions,” we should focus on leveraging our unique human abilities, something AI doesn’t have, and adapt our blogging style to thrive in this new era of technology.

While AI might be great at processing information, we have special skills that AI can’t match.

Here are fifteen ways we can use our unique talents to keep blogging alive and thriving:

1. Creativity

Human creativity is truly amazing. We can mix different ideas to come up with something new.

AI’s creativity is limited to the data it has been trained on, but our creativity has no limits.


Think of a fashion blog where the writer blends styles from different cultures.

AI might know about these cultures, but it can’t create a fresh, unique look like a human can.

For instance, a blogger might mix traditional Japanese kimonos with modern Western accessories to create a new fashion trend.

2. Emotion

AI is just a tool without feelings. Only we can show real emotion, especially in blog writing.

Readers can often tell if an article is written by AI because it lacks emotion and sounds dull.


I remember writing a heartfelt blog post about overcoming personal challenges.

It resonated deeply with my readers because it was filled with genuine emotion.

Sharing my journey of battling anxiety connected deeply with readers who faced similar struggles.

3. Personal Experiences

We all have personal experiences that AI can’t replicate.

Personal experiences combine creativity and emotion to create unique stories and insights.

These experiences are valuable in writing because they are unique to each of us.


A travel blogger sharing their journey through remote villages and interactions with locals offers a personal touch that AI can’t match.

For example, I once wrote about my experience participating in a traditional dance in a remote village, describing the vibrant costumes, music, and the warm welcome from the locals.

4. Humor

Humor is a uniquely human trait.

AI can try to mimic humor, but it often falls flat because humor relies on cultural context and timing that AI lacks.


In my parenting blog as well as on social media, I sometimes use funny stories about raising kids.

These anecdotes connect better with my readers than straightforward, factual pieces.

Sharing a humorous story about my child’s first attempt at skating brought smiles and made the content more memorable.

5. Empathy

Empathy allows us to understand and share the feelings of others. This helps in writing content that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

AI can’t truly understand or convey empathy.


A blog about mental health that offers compassionate advice and personal stories can provide comfort and support to readers.

For example, a blogger sharing their own journey through depression can offer hope and practical advice to others going through similar struggles.

6. Storytelling

We are natural storytellers.

We can weave facts and emotions into compelling narratives that captivate readers.

AI can provide information, but it struggles to tell a story in the same engaging way.


A food blogger sharing the story behind a family recipe can evoke nostalgia and warmth that AI can’t replicate.

For instance, describing how a recipe has been passed down through generations and the special memories associated with it can make the reader feel connected.

7. Adaptability

We can adapt our writing style and tone based on the audience and context. AI often follows a set pattern and can’t adjust as flexibly.


As a tech blogger, I write detailed, jargon-filled articles for expert audiences and simplified, engaging versions for beginners.

Explaining complex technical concepts in simple terms for beginners using analogies and everyday language helps make the content accessible.

8. Cultural Insight

Cultural nuances and insights are best understood by humans. AI might miss the subtleties of different cultures, leading to less relatable content.


I once wrote a blog about cultural festivals that I experienced firsthand. This offered richer, more accurate descriptions.

Sharing the sights, sounds, and smells of a traditional Chinese festival captured the essence of the event in a way AI cannot.

9. Ethical Judgment

We have the ability to make ethical judgments.

AI can follow rules, but it doesn’t understand the ethical implications of its content.


A blog discussing the ethics of AI in healthcare would benefit from a human perspective on moral dilemmas and societal impacts.

For instance, a writer could explore the ethical concerns of using AI in diagnosing patients, weighing the benefits against the potential risks.

10. Personal Connection

Readers often follow blogs because they feel a personal connection to the writer.

This connection builds loyalty and trust, something AI can’t replicate.


A fitness blogger who shares their personal fitness journey, struggles, and triumphs creates a bond with readers that AI-generated content can’t match.

For instance, a blogger sharing their progress and setbacks in training for a marathon can inspire and motivate readers.

11. Nuanced Opinions

We can offer nuanced opinions based on complex thinking and analysis.

AI can provide information, but it can’t offer the depth of insight that comes from our life experiences and perspectives.


I once wrote a blog about the effects of climate change, combining scientific data with personal insights and observations.

This offered a rich, multi-faceted perspective that AI can’t provide.

12. Spontaneity

We can be spontaneous and react to current events or personal inspirations in real-time, which makes content feel fresh and timely.


A blogger might write an impromptu post about a sudden weather change and its impact on their local environment, sharing real-time photos and personal reflections that capture the moment in a way AI cannot.

13. Authenticity

Authenticity in writing comes from genuine experiences and honest expressions.

AI can simulate human writing, but it often lacks the authenticity that comes from true personal experiences.


I often share my real-life challenges and successes in starting a small business.

This kind of authentic narrative is something readers can relate to and learn from, which AI cannot genuinely provide.

14. Relatability

We can make our writing relatable by sharing common experiences and emotions.

This helps readers see themselves in the stories and connect more deeply.


I once wrote a blog about the ups and downs of balancing work and family life.

It resonated with readers going through similar struggles, providing a sense of solidarity and support that AI can’t offer.

15. Passion

Our passion drives engaging and enthusiastic writing.

This passion can inspire and energize readers, something AI-generated content often lacks.


A blogger who is passionate about wildlife conservation can write compelling posts that inspire readers to take action, join conservation efforts, or simply appreciate nature more, driven by the writer’s genuine enthusiasm and dedication.


AI is here to stay, and online blogging will change as a result.

While there are concerns about blog traffic declining, this doesn’t mean blogging is useless, especially if our unique human traits are present in our writing.

AI has a long way to go before it can replicate our human traits.

Keep using your creativity, emotion, and personal experiences to make your blog stand out.

Follow me for more inspiring stories on blogging, content writing, AI, and more.



Sana Uqaili
Follower Booster Hub

A content strategist and SEO specialist who can get your website ranked on the first page of Google in a matter of weeks! Visit dastmyerseo.com for more info.