15 Writing Mistakes I Would Avoid If I Were Starting Over

This is a MUST READ if you want to make tons of money with writing every month.

Sana Uqaili
Follower Booster Hub


Dastmyer SEO AI Image Creator

I recently read something on Harvard Business Review that shocked me. It said there’s no middle class in the creator economy.

So, if you’re a creator, you’ll either be super rich, making tons of money every month, or you’ll be struggling to make ends meet. There’s no in-between.

This is pretty sad. But knowing this can help you. With the right skills, you can move from being a broke writer to a successful, wealthy one.

I’ve been writing online since 2016. In this post, I’ll share my biggest writing mistakes and what I’ve learned over 8 years of writing online.

Ready? Let’s jump in.

Mistake 1: Writing Without a Clear Goal

I started writing on Quora when I was new to the digital creator world. I wrote random answers without any specific goal. It might not sound bad, but let me explain.

Back in 2016, many writers started on Quora. Today, some of them are millionaire writers. They succeeded because:

  • They were consistent.
  • They knew what they wanted to achieve.

Some turned their popular answers into books. Others expanded their answers into longer articles on sites like Entrepreneur, Inc., and Medium. This helped them grow their audience.

On the other hand, I did nothing with my Quora audience. Even though I have 48k followers on Quora today, it doesn’t help me. If I had been more focused back in 2016, I might have been in a better place now.

Mistake 2: Chasing Trends Without a Plan

As a writer, it’s tempting to write about the latest trend. But this can backfire.

For example, a writer friend of mine started writing about NFTs and Web 3 in 2022 when they were popular. But in 2023, when AI became the new trend, everyone forgot about NFTs. This writer had no niche and had to start over.

Jumping from trend to trend makes you lose credibility. Stick to a niche you love. Your audience will know what to expect and stay loyal.

Mistake 3: Ignoring the Long-term Impact of Words

When I started, I didn’t think about how my words might affect my future. I wrote quite a lot about cryptocurrency, trading, and forex, and shared controversial opinions.

But my niche is digital marketing. Sharing controversial opinions led to serious backlash, including threats from strangers.

I don’t regret having opinions, but I regret sharing them publicly. When you’re a public figure, you have to be careful about what you write. Pick a niche and stick to it.

Mistake 4: Not Establishing Expertise

At the start of my career, I didn’t focus on becoming an expert in one topic.

On Quora, I wrote about various topics like parenting, relationships, and friendships. There was no common theme.

This hurt me because potential clients didn’t see me as an expert in any one area. I might have lost many freelance opportunities.

Now, I stick to specific topics to establish myself as an expert in my niche.

Mistake 5: Overlooking High-paying Audiences

One of my biggest mistakes was not understanding the needs of high-paying audiences.

As a writer, high-paying audiences can be:

  • People who pay well for your writing.
  • People who buy your products.
  • People who buy your books.
  • People who hire you to write for them.

Knowing your target audience helps you write articles that meet their needs and make them want to work with you.

Mistake 6: Ignoring SEO Best Practices

When I first started writing online, I ignored SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I thought good content would naturally attract readers, but that wasn’t true.

I wrote a detailed article about productivity hacks, but it barely got any views because it wasn’t optimized for search engines.

Once I learned about keywords and meta descriptions, my content started getting more visibility. Now, I always make sure my articles are SEO-friendly.

Mistake 7: Not Engaging with Readers

In my early days, I didn’t interact much with my readers. I would publish an article and move on without responding to comments.

One day, I received a heartfelt message from a reader thanking me for my advice. This made me realize the impact my words had.

I started engaging more with my audience by responding to comments and writing follow-up articles based on their feedback. This helped build a loyal community.

Mistake 8: Writing for Everyone

At first, I tried to write articles that appealed to everyone, but they ended up being too generic.

For example, I wrote an article about general health tips, but it lacked specific insights.

I shifted my focus to young professionals looking to improve their productivity. This helped me create more impactful content.

Mistake 9: Inconsistent Posting Schedule

I used to post articles randomly. Sometimes I’d post several times a week, other times I’d go months without posting. This confused my readers.

A friend advised me to set a regular posting schedule. I decided to publish every Tuesday and Thursday. This consistency improved my readership and made my writing process more manageable.

Mistake 10: Ignoring Analytics

For a long time, I didn’t check the analytics of my blog or articles. I didn’t know which pieces were performing well and which weren’t.

When I started paying attention to analytics, I noticed patterns. Articles with actionable tips and personal anecdotes performed better. This data helped me refine my content strategy.

Mistake 11: Failing to Edit Thoroughly

In the early days, I was so excited to publish my work that I often skipped thorough editing. This led to grammatical errors, typos, and unclear sentences.

One time, I published an article with a typo in the headline. A reader pointed it out, and while I quickly corrected it, the damage was done. I learned to always review and polish my work before publishing.

Mistake 12: Not Building a Personal Brand

When I started, I didn’t focus on building a personal brand. I wrote under different names on various platforms, making it hard for readers to connect with me.

Building a personal brand helps establish trust and loyalty. A fellow writer built a strong brand by using the same name, photo, and bio across all platforms, which helped her gain a loyal following and more opportunities.

Mistake 13: Neglecting Networking

I used to think writing was a solo activity and neglected networking with other writers and professionals.

Networking is crucial for growth and finding new opportunities. I started attending writing conferences, joining online communities, and connecting with writers on social media. This provided valuable insights and opened doors to collaborations and writing gigs.

Mistake 14: Underpricing My Work

At the beginning of my career, I underpriced my work, thinking it would help me get more clients. This undervalued my skills and attracted clients who didn’t appreciate my work.

After talking to experienced writers, I adjusted my rates and started attracting clients who valued my work and were willing to pay fair prices.

Mistake 15: Lacking Confidence

Early in my career, I doubted my abilities and often second-guessed my decisions. This lack of confidence made me hesitant to pitch to high-profile clients or take on challenging projects.

One day, I took a chance and pitched to a well-known publication. To my surprise, they accepted my pitch. This experience taught me that confidence is crucial for success.

Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to take risks.

Final Words

Summing up, here are the fifteen mistakes that stopped me from reaching the levels of success I could have.

If you’re a new writer, keep them in mind and avoid them at all costs:

  • I wrote without a clear goal or purpose in mind.
  • I chased trends without a proper strategy.
  • I neglected the long-term impact of my words.
  • I failed to establish myself as a subject matter expert.
  • I overlooked the needs of high-ticket audiences.
  • I ignored SEO best practices.
  • I didn’t engage with my readers.
  • I tried to write for everyone.
  • I had an inconsistent posting schedule.
  • I ignored analytics.
  • I failed to edit thoroughly.
  • I didn’t build a personal brand.
  • I neglected networking.
  • I underpriced my work.
  • I lacked confidence.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Did you make similar mistakes? Let me know in the comments.



Sana Uqaili
Follower Booster Hub

A content strategist and SEO specialist who can get your website ranked on the first page of Google in a matter of weeks! Visit dastmyerseo.com for more info.