6 Things I Wish I Could Say To My Teen

Alice and her Wonderland
Follower Booster Hub
3 min readJul 8, 2024

(Without having to bluff or sound mean!)

Photo by Talen de St. Croix on Unsplash

Parents often wish that they could say those perfect words that could bring a positive change in the lives of their children. Magical words that could change the lives of their offspring forever. However, they realize that it is an action that inspires kids and not words. When that happens they often wonder about the integrity behind the words that they have spoken. Or they’d realize that they’d rather bite back their tongue and save a few words so they needn’t end up eating them later.

So here’s my list of things that I wish I could say to my teen. I have just stopped short of uttering them. Because I fear it may not be true. plus it may just sound mean!

  1. Back then in my times, I used to be so studious. I used to be the class topper. I had real ambitions in my life! Not like you kids…studying just to impress someone…. (this would have sounded so surreal that I assure you, I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face myself).
  2. When I was as young as you I would wake up at 4 am and study hard or help my parents- doing Seva. Not waste my time like this on social media or WhatsApp like you guys- (I know this is only partly true. psst….that 4 Am part isn’t true!)
Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

3. I wonder how you guys keep saying so many lies! And so smoothly….You call them ‘white lies’ …black, blue, or whatever. How come no one is even pausing to reflect a bit and consider anything at all before lying?- (This one is also equally surreal just like point 1. So sorry, won’t work).

4. Why can’t you keep your things clean and organized? You know, we always kept our rooms spic and span! Not a hair out of place. But this generation is so disorganized and stressed. It’s not as if being messy helps you in any way. And yet you people make it sound like it’s cool. You argue that great geniuses and creative people like Einstein were messy….( I am not sure if I’d like to revisit my childhood history or ask my mother about it!)

Photo by Egor Lyfar on Unsplash

5. Chocolates were not my staple diet back in childhood, unlike you kids. We used to eat only homemade sweets for dessert!- (This one is outrageously untrue! Even I used to hog on chocolates at school and home.)

6. How come you people don’t respect your teachers? You just poke random fun at them and mimic them. Back in our days, we used to respect our teachers-the Guru like no other. We revered them for the knowledge that they shared and maintained a healthy relationship with them- (This one is scandalously untrue! My teacher’s ghosts from their graveyard won’t spare me if I do say this to my boy…)



Alice and her Wonderland
Follower Booster Hub

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