Online pet communities

A Lucky Cat and an unexpected Pet Community

My Maneki Neko led me to my purrfect online community

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Laurence glanced at the tiny ceramic cat perched on her desk, its left paw raised in a beckoning gesture. It wasn’t much to look at — a bit dusty, chipped around one ear, and missing the red collar it probably sported in its prime. Yet, this Maneki Neko, or lucky cat, held a strange power over Laurence.

Every morning, her gaze would fall upon it, a silent reminder of Tokyo’s bustling streets and the countless Maneki Nekos she’d seen during her recent trip. They were everywhere — in shop windows, by cash registers, even perched on the counter of the tiny ramen stall she frequented. Unlike the Hello Kitty keychains overflowing souvenir shops, these cats seemed imbued with a deeper meaning.

Photo credit: Jeffry Surianto on Pexels

Intrigued, Laurence had done some digging online. She learned that Maneki Nekos weren’t just a cute symbol of Japan. They were believed to bring good luck, particularly to businesses. The raised paw? Not a wave, but a beckoning gesture, inviting fortune and customers through the door.

Legends swirled around their origin, some heartwarming, others a touch macabre. Yet, one thing remained constant — the enduring belief in their power to bring a bit of luck into one’s life.

Back home, Laurence found herself drawn to the Maneki Neko on her desk. It wasn’t fancy, but it held the spirit of a city she’d grown to love. Perhaps, she thought, a little luck wouldn’t hurt. Maybe it could beckon some positive energy into her writing day.

After all, a freelance writer could always use a boost in the client department.

As days turned into weeks, Laurence noticed something interesting. She started connecting with other pet lovers online, a community of animal enthusiasts sharing stories and pictures of their furry companions. It all began with a photo of her sleek black cat, Moka, sprawled regally next to the Maneki Neko, jokingly captioned “My personal muse and good luck charm (and yes, black cats are lucky too!).” The comments poured in — hilarious cat memes, adorable pet pics, and heartwarming stories.

Soon, Laurence found herself immersed in a world of virtual purrs. She discovered a platform called Petme, a social space dedicated to everything pets. It was the perfect place to share her love for animals and connect with fellow pet parents.

Here, she wasn’t just a writer, she was Laurence, the cat lady with a lucky cat and a heart full of feline affection.

One of Moka’s first posts on Petme

Looking back at the Maneki Neko, a smile touched Laurence’s lips. Maybe it wasn’t magic, but the little cat had certainly beckoned something positive into her life. It had brought her not just a touch of luck, but a whole community of pet lovers who understood the unique bond between humans and their furry friends, no matter their fur color.

Perhaps, she thought, it was time to share her stories and experiences on Petme. After all, who knows how many other Laurences were out there, waiting to be beckoned into a world of pet-loving fun?

Ready to join the cool cats (both the figurative and literal ones) and their humans online?

Download the Petme app for iOS or Android and discover the purrfect community for you and your pet!



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Co-founder at Petme ( | Crazy cat lady | IP lawyer in my free time.