A Tale of Lonely Days

An Unlikely Visitor During Lockdown

A Secret Whisperer

Rubina Khush Jan
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Olivia Spink on Unsplash

During the COVID lockdown, I finally had time to notice my surroundings. While working from home I got the opportunity to enjoy things like sunrise and sunsets.

I especially liked the garden and the trees in front of my apartment.

I love nature. I am a big fan of having greenery and trees and birds chirping away all day long.

Despite all my love for nature, when a crow started to sit right outside my balcony daily at a particular time, it tested my patience.

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While working from home I noticed that one crow punctually without missing a day gave me a visit daily in the afternoon.

It sat on a branch right in front of the balcony of my sitting room and did what it is best known for.

Yes! You guessed it right. The crow would caw continuously for an hour or more.

It was a beautiful bird though. Bright black feathers with sparkly eyes.

I don’t know why it came to visit me daily. There was no nest that I could see in that tree or on nearby trees.

Sometimes I felt that the crow knew I was all alone and stuck in that apartment.

Other times the continuous calling wanted me to scratch my ears out.

I often wondered the reason for the crow’s constant cawing.

Different cultures have different theories. In my culture, it only meant some guests were about to visit. But, this was during lockdown and no guests ever visited.

I eventually got used to that crow. It kept coming back till my last days in that apartment before I moved on.

I wonder if that crow still visits and sits on that tree. I wonder what has it been trying to say all this time? I miss that black beautiful bird.

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Rakaposhi Hunza Valley

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Rubina Khush Jan
Follower Booster Hub

Content writer | Digital Marketer | Sales prof. I write about my life experiences. Let's follow each other's journey to create enriching experiences.