Balance on a Tightrope: My Journey to Wellness

Harmony on a Thread: The Interwoven Journey of Mind, Body, and Soul

Robin Harald Wordsmith
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash

There are days when the sun shines a bit brighter, the air breathes a bit cleaner, and my mind sees tomorrow with a clarity as if it were made of crystal.

These are the days when my health, both mental and physical, feels like a symphony;

Each cell in my body, a note played in perfect harmony.

But the truth is, these days are like pearls on a string, valuable and rare.

I've traveled a winding path of wellness, a journey that taught me the landscape of health is as varied as it is unpredictable.

It started with a step, a promise of change.

I exchanged fast food for green leaves and colorful vegetables, I deposited enough hours into the account of sleep. I started to move, first just small walks, greeting the morning sun with tired eyes, until small walks became long runs, and the yoga mat became my sanctuary.



Robin Harald Wordsmith
Follower Booster Hub

As a Swedish Viking, let me inspire you with my passion for poetry and knowledge. Join me on this journey and let my words guide you on Medium.