Candy Flip

Red Sevin
Follower Booster Hub
Jan 5, 2024


Public Domain (Pinterest)

Under the new law of the land 🏜️

Our love 💚 spells go for sale

On street corners

Bubble 🫧 guns 🔫 adorn each

Barbie palm ✋

Stiletto pumps 👠

Rock candy 🍬 skin tones

Star 🌟 studded lips 💋

We raise 🙌🏼 an army

Of google eye 👁️

Drool monsters 🧌

Rock hard cockroaches 🪳

Pray for their souls 💥

For they have glimpsed 🧐

Candy Flip 🖕🏼

Get them out

Get them off

Pink 💖glitter sea 🌊 🐬monsters


He came for what?

He came for caramel 🍪 cookie cream

He came for sharp sugar teeth 🦷

He came for alien 👽 lollipop 🍭 slumber 💤

You mean sleep? 😴

It’s just a dream 🛌 💭🌙

I made it out

Candy Flip 🍭

“The real world is forever and irrevocably messed up.” — Barbie

Public Domain (Pinterest)



Red Sevin
Follower Booster Hub

Hi, I’m Red!🔅 •Creative content, journals and poetry •Unique writing talent •Please help me grow on Medium and support my work! It is greatly appreciated.