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Damn, Maybe I Caught the Greatness of Taoism, Surfing the Möbius Strip

Look at the Strip, challenging your habitual perception!

Cristiano Luchini
Follower Booster Hub
6 min readMay 8, 2024


Damn, Maybe I Caught the Greatness of Taoism, Surfing the Möbius Strip — AI Image by Author (Midjourney)

“He who sees through the infinite reaches the invisible, perfects the gifts he has received from heaven, abandons all prejudice. He grasps the unity of the perfect man and uses his own spirit as a mirror: he neither rejects nor welcomes anyone, responds to others without concealing anything, triumphs over beings without being wounded by them.”


Unconventional friends, today I invite you to let yourself be carried away on a boundless journey to discover one of the most astonishing and philosophically meaningful geometric objects ever conceived: the Möbius Strip. But first, some more information about the origins of this extraordinary object.


The brilliant notion of the Möbius band was introduced in 1858 by August Ferdinand Möbius., a German scholar well known for his great contributions to…



Cristiano Luchini
Follower Booster Hub

Creative, unconventional and interdisciplinary approach to knowledge. Vedanta Learner.