Evolution and Love

Learn to Love and Rise

Mystic Heart
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by chris liu on Unsplash

People evolve, learn to love, and rise.

Real love belongs to those who have risen above material life.

As beings evolve, they love more, and they evolve to love more.

  • Except from the ŞUURLU İNANÇ / CONSCIOUS BELIEF Facebook page.

Love has no expectations. Fear is full of expectations.

With fear, we do things because we expect that we have to, and we expect that others are going to do the same.

That is why fear hurts and love doesn’t hurt. We expect something and if it doesn’t happen, we feel hurt beacuse it isn’t fair. We blame others for not fulfilling our expectations.

When we don’t expect something to happen, if nothing happens, it’s not important. We don’t feel hurt, because whatever happens is okay.

When we love, we don’t have expectations; we do it because we want to, and if other people do it or not, it’s because they want to or not and it’s nothing personal.

Love has no resistance. Whatever we do is because we want to do it. It becomes a pleasure; it’s like a game, and we have fun with it.

  • Don Miguel Ruiz

Love, which causes many events and tests in worldly life, is one of the most powerful factors that plays a direct and indirect role in both the formation of essence-knowledge and the development of conscience.

For example, if one helps a person with love, makes a sacrifice to save a person who has fallen into the sea, feeds a hungry person, and stops one’s tears, they feel relief, peace, and even happiness at the end of all these. This is an indication of rapid development.

On the other hand, if many hearts are broken for love, if a betrayal is punished, if getting rid of a rival’s body is imagined, or if harm to someone is done, resentment, unrest, and tribulation begin in a person. And this expresses the pressure of one’s decelerated development.

In the first group, the higher elements of the conscience mechanism dominate, and in the second group, earthly desires, i.e., the ego, dominate.

This evolution process takes people to high levels, such as serving others and helping them with their well-being and development. People whose conscience mechanism has reached these stages are at the highest stage that the world school has given to people.

People who reach this stage will get their diplomas with flying colors and will pass to higher plans as stronger and happier beings by taking on duties with the highest power of essence-knowledge they have acquired in the world.

  • Excerpt from the book The Divine Order and The Universe

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

– George Bernard Shaw

This worldly life is no more than play and amusement. But the Hereafter is indeed the real life if only they knew.

Seek the reward of the Hereafter by means of what Allah has granted you, without forgetting your share of this world. And be good to others as Allah has been good to you. Do not seek to spread corruption in the land, for Allah certainly does not like the corruptors.

That eternal Home in the Hereafter We reserve only for those who seek neither tyranny nor corruption on the earth. The ultimate outcome belongs only to the righteous.

  • Al-’Ankabut 64, Al-Qasas 77, 83

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.

– George Bernard Shaw

Created by the Author using Unsplash

Please read the article below if you didn’t.

If you also think that it is worth embarking on this journey for what will be gained in the end, please feel free to share the below article or other helpful articles that you think contribute to raising awareness with the responsibility and sensitivity that come with your wisdom.

You may find this article worth reading as well if you are still here.

With Love🙏



Mystic Heart
Follower Booster Hub

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻