Have You Shifted From Your Worldly Lens to Your Soul Lens?

Do You Want a System Upgrade?

Jan C. McLarty
Follower Booster Hub


Acclimating to Soul Consciousness — MidJourney V6

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We see with our eyes the temporal manifestation of the physical world, yet not anywhere near all of it with our physical eyes alone. Our eyeballs are actually designed to see only a limited range of the light spectrum. This means if our “seeing” is limited to our eyes, we are stuck with a narrow scope of vision. Technology can help a little, letting us see ultra-violet and infrared for instance, yet that is only an infinitesimally small expansion.

And what about our other physical receptors — hearing, smell, taste, touch?

Can we agree that our physical bodies are limited, that all five physical senses are attuned to a very narrow bandwidth within a low frequency range? Now consider the possibility that our sentient soul can know infinitely beyond the restrictions of our physical body, and moreover that we can learn to quiet our busy chattering mind and shift to the perceptual awareness of our soul as our default.

Let’s begin by considering something we can observe that is beyond the scope of physical vision: our own behavior. We have the capacity to observe how our own self-constructed…



Jan C. McLarty
Follower Booster Hub

Artist and writer integrating art with mindfulness—offering fun perspectives on the journey from unknowing limiting mindsets to deeper knowing.