I'm scared to be Perfect! Are You Not?

Does 'perfect' or 'close to perfect' even exist?

George Kathele
Follower Booster Hub
3 min readFeb 24, 2024


Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

I tried it. I realized other people tried it as well. I tried it again.

Then I realized I was chasing the wind.

So I stopped.

I re-approached it from a different angle, and that's when I had the eye-opening moment.

Perfect doesn't exist!

It hinders progress and makes us stop being better.

You can't be chasing nothing and expect to get something out of it.

That made me realize we've been having it all before us, but we've been severely chasing the non-existence.

As a result, we end up not experiencing what's in existence.

Perfect is Tedious

The art of trying to be perfect is exhausting.

It's a long road that stretches into infinite ends.

There's no light at the end of the tunnel.

Eventually, it gets tiresome and drains us of our little energy.

On the other hand, it is inviting and promises non-existent rewards.

It all exists in our imagination!

That's why we can paint a picture of it and work our butts off trying to go for it.

But we'll never have a grasp of it.

Simply because it doesn't exist!

It gets the last drop of our efforts, and until then, it's when we realize the truth of the matter.

That it was all in vain.

The Downs of Perfectionism

As we all know, indeed, "No one is perfect."

And we can only expect perfection from some people since we know how non-existent it is.

We've experienced unhealthy habits formed out of such an expectation.

In relationships, businesses, social situations, and other interactive moments experienced by human beings.

Expectations of perfectionism have hindered these moments, yet they can't be achieved.

Was progress made? Was there any better? Was there some improvement?

It's a yes to the questions above, but perfectionism ruins it all and drains the said efforts.

What should we do?

We should review things while completing them to the best of our efforts.

That's what I define as 'perfect.'

The art of giving it your all.

Just do something to your best.

Get things done. That's all that matters.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The wrap-up

Have you ever seen perfectionists?

Would you want to be one?

I doubt.

They seem not to have it in control as they stray out of control completely, chasing the non-existent.

In other words, some people tend to gain a 'god complex' since they believe they are better than others.

Eventually, the said complex turns against them and disrupts their relationships with the significant people in their lives.

If you are in this situation, kindly re-evaluate your moves, remembering that 'perfect doesn't exist!'

A friend, Robert, mentioned that the best thing to do when things seem chaotic is to 'be still.'

The rest will take care of itself.

I acknowledge the advice.

It works.

Thanks for reading.

Let me know your insights on this piece.

Ciao for now.



George Kathele
Follower Booster Hub

Aspiring Writer + Minimalist + Solitaire + Imperfect. I write on how to capture readers’ attention. “You have seconds to grab it and minutes to keep it.”