It’s Not About the Journey or Destination.

The art of living.

Okhifun Emma
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

All of the things you said would make you happy, you have them. Are you happy?

I just thought to myself that in everything I have, do, feel or think, one way or another someone has, does, feels, or thinks the same. And of course, it isn’t all the same experience subjectively, but contextually, a range of people share something with me, one way or another.

In our uniqueness, we are more alike than we are different. And in us being alike, we have different perspectives.

I think that’s one of the most fascinating parts of life. We all struggle, we all feel sadness and joy, and we share all things with at least one person on earth. Heck, we all breathe the same oxygen!

Think of it like a bus. We are all moving in this journey of life, headed somewhere, wherever the hell that is, somewhere we may hope to get or a place we have no clue we may reach but strive to build or even be lost in our current path.

But where we head to has nothing to do with the journey or where we are going, but who we are. The mindset, beliefs, experiences, values and character that make us, us.

We may have a clear path towards where we want to be, and try to live in the moment as much as we can, and we still might not feel fulfilled.

If you spend your time on a bus doing the same thing for 365 days, you won’t have 365 memories of the bus, you’ll have just 1. The routine. Even though we had 365 journeys and 365 destinations, we ended up being the same

And this routine can be anything. We may be too focused on the journey that we don’t see ourselves clearly, and we may be too focused on the destination so much that we forget to live.

This may seem a bit perplexing at first glance, especially if we tend to view life through a lens of ambition and constantly striving for more. This isn’t me saying these are bad.

In Alex Hormozi’s words, “You have already achieved all the goals you said would make you happy.”

What that means is that we often set goals for ourselves that we believe will bring us happiness, but once those goals are achieved, we realize that they didn’t bring us the happiness we anticipated, which can make us feel unfulfilled, and lust after the next thing… and the next.

Like we should have just enjoyed the journey, even when we could have sworn we did.

A random person may walk into nature to embrace peace and tranquillity but record everything on their phone, forgetting the very essence of the nature visit. — the need for external stimuli

It is not about the journey or destination, but who you are. The state of mind that we cultivate within ourselves, regardless of our circumstances.

The true essence of life lies in the person you are, regardless of where you are headed or what you are doing. In other words, it’s not the external factors that define you, but rather your internal values, beliefs, and character.

The focus is on genuinely cultivating our inner selves and personal growth, rather than being solely preoccupied with achieving external goals or reaching certain destinations in life. [Not saying you shouldn’t]

We see these things every day, I may have the best life and still struggle severely with my mental health or even unalive myself, or I may strive to have a beautiful body and still be insecure, or hit the gym and still have a low self-esteem and even ego-lift. I may even get knowledge and still hold limiting beliefs.

Ultimately, it’s the person you become along the way that really matters not the thing.

It’s who we are every day that shapes the journey, determines how we see what is in front of us, and also gives us insights as to where we might be.

Who are you, really? Maybe that’ll help clear the fog a bit.

Catch you in the next one




Okhifun Emma
Follower Booster Hub

On a journey through self-discovery to personal development. If that sounds like something you are into, join me.