Lazy Person’s Guide to Getting Fit

The Ultimate Workout Motivation (Tips to Keep You Going Strong)

Anthony C.
Follower Booster Hub
4 min readAug 25, 2024


Let’s be real: Getting started with a new fitness regimen can be downright scary. The gym is scary, and the idea of sweating doesn’t sound anything close to fun. But, with the right approach and a little bit of inspiration, you’ll find that you can set up a fitness routine that really works for you.

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

The Human Factor in Climate

But first, before speaking of details, a small personal story. A few years ago, I felt really slow and unhealthy. Of course, I knew that things should change, but I thought that the gym was going to be a dreadful place. I tried different routines, but nothing seemed to stick. Finally, I realized that the key was to find something I enjoyed.

I started taking dance classes and suddenly exercise was fun(guys can take those classes too btw). It wasn’t only about physical activity; I started feeling good too.

Setting Realistic Goals

The biggest mistake when beginning to undertake any fitness program is making unrealistic goals. Don’t set a goal of losing 20 pounds in a month or running a marathon next week; instead, start small and then increase the intensity and duration with time. Progress is more important than perfection.

Finding the Right Activity

The trick to maintaining fitness is finding an activity you love. Among tens of thousands of possibilities — running, swimming, yoga, dance, and the like — just experiment with them until you find one that really excites you to move.

Photo by Arthur Edelmans on Unsplash

Create an Exercise Plan

After you choose the activity you would like to do, create an exercise plan. Start off by making a schedule and eventually increasing the frequency and intensity of your exercises. Remember to include some rest days.

The Significance of Keeping Things Consistent

Stay active consistently. Physical activity should be at least for 30 minutes most days of the week, but even short bursts throughout the day can be beneficial. The idea here is to have fitness as part of your daily routine.

Overcoming Obstacles

There will be obstacles. Maybe it is because of a tight schedule or loss of interest; it may even be an injury. In any case, having a strategy for overcoming obstacles is crucial. An accountability partner, a system for rewarding small or big victories, and understanding when to rest are key parts of a plan.

Nutrition Matters

You do have to exercise, but the other important element is diet — what you are putting into your body that will either help or hinder your health and fitness. Fuel your body with good foods and plenty of water; stay away from fast and processed foods and sugary drinks. After all, a healthy diet complements fitness.

Stay in Tune with Your Body

Listen to your body, and do not over-train. Pay careful attention to any pain or discomfort, and take rest days if you need to. If a bit of pain starts to get too much for you, see a healthcare professional.

Finding a Fitness Community

When you’re a member of a fitness community, your counterparts are available to offer support, motivation, and accountability. Be it a gym, running club, or dance class, there is someone with the same like-minded goals to make exercise fun.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Celebrate Your Achievements

Celebrate the smallest of achievements. Whether it’s a new weight loss goal or conquering an incredibly difficult workout, bask in the glory of all your accomplishments. It will make you stay motivated and inspired by your success.

Remember, it’s a Journey, Not a Destination

Fitness is a journey, not a destination. The focus should not be on getting fit but rather on an overall enhancement of health and well-being. Never let setbacks discourage you; stay true to your goals and move in the right direction.

Trust me

It might be hard to start, but it’s definitely worthwhile to implement a workout regimen. Realistic goals, enjoyable activities, drawing up a workout plan, consistency in following it, and listening to the body are what can develop further into a well-consistent fitness routine that not only is sustained but also helps one’s mental and physical health. And remember, we aren’t looking for perfection; we’re looking for progress.



Anthony C.
Follower Booster Hub

Passionate about helping others discover their authentic selves and create the lives they deserve.