Challenges of life, confusion

Move On

Facing difficulties in the vicissitudes of life

Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

In many ways of life,
At every step, there are questions and answers.
In the world of dreams, we are fly,
But on the ground of reality
The road is never clear,

on all sides.
It’s in the heart—a desire, but a fear.
In pursuit of the goal, grow.
But in the storm of difficulties, we break up.
Sometimes there are moments of joy, and sometimes there are moments of sadness.

In these corners of the heart, there are hidden millions of words.
In the streets of wishes, in the land of dreams,
But in these ways, there are pitfalls, countless and unordered.
In the company of friends, laughter,
But in a moment of solitude, undefined.
The colours of life, the shades of happiness,
But behind the scenes,

There is pain.

In the moment of simplicity and complexities,
In straight paths, there are twists.
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry.
In the storm of these confusions, we are toys and fly. In the life test yourself,
In the world of love, listen to the heart.
Or, on the words of wisdom, walk or stop?
In the story of faith, the shadow of doubt,

We better ourselves and fight.
How do we solve these problems?
There are ways to achieve goals.

Sometimes we win, sometimes we don’t.
In the pursuit of success, let’s go,
But in these ways, there are problems on all sides.
In dreams, there are complicated stories,
In the book of life, the title is confusion.
Each time, it raises a new question,
In the jungle of these confusions, everyone loses their way.

Keep the light of hope in your heart,
Hold on to this boat of life.
Let’s clear up these confusions,
Let’s make this dream world a reality.
Life is a journey, full of challenges,
However, in these challenges, the real fun.

Overcome the challenges and move forward,
In these storms of confusion, never be weary.
There are millions of obstacles in the way,
We will face them with courage.
Smile at every stage of life,
Enjoy this journey of confusion.
…Thanks for reading my words and work...



Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Follower Booster Hub

As a creative writer, I publish amazing stories. I am a seeker of knowledge, writer, reader and thinker.✍️