Poetry | Writing | Feelings

Our Words and Our Emotions

Let’s keep on writing life

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Beautiful blossoms
Photo by Jimmy Chang on Unsplash

There is a poet in all of us,
Which may need no similes or metaphors,
Let’s bridge our emotions and words,
And connect our hearts and minds.

An empty apartment is my heart,
It’s a treasure-house of memories,
All broken and forgotten moments,
And all invisible scars and wounds.

Now the scars are the badges of honor,
Helped it to grow strong and large,
Still sometimes it trembles,
Reminding me of those unpleasant memories.

It’s time to move forward with all strength,
Not to feel stuck in the past,
Life does not wait for anyone,
Let’s run and jump over all hurdles.

Still we will feel frozen at times,
Feel isolated in the most crowded places,
New fear will knock on the door,
But it will be unwise to consider it as only reality.

Can we not leave our egos at the door?
As hypocrisy and anger only disturb peace,
All it brings are shadows and darkness,
To keep our voice and words silent.

Life is no fairy tale or lullaby,
So do not stop writing with hope,
Someone will relate and connect,
That will make our day and moment of joy.

© Samar 2024. All Rights Reserved.



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🍏🍉|| Happy-go-lucky learner | Reader | Friend | Fiction/non-fiction writer | Motivator | Late bloomer | Healer ||🌼🌷