Ragnar’s QotD: Is comfort the enemy of growth or its foundation?

Ragnar Legend
Follower Booster Hub
2 min readFeb 12, 2024

Have you ever wondered why the shoes that suit you the best have the most miles on them? Why, instead of the days spent lounging on the couch, do the greatest stories originate from the strangest adventures?
I’ve been racking my brains over something somewhat related.

Elderly man in a playful fort made of pillows and blankets, showing the joy of comfort and adventure in later life.
In the cozy corners of our forts, we find the courage to dream

Assume you are constructing the most amazing fort ever.
All of your blankets, pillows, and even a big box from the new refrigerator are here. You do realize how cozy it is inside?
Then, your closest friend issues a dare to build a second story. Whoa! Doesn’t that seem a little frightening?
Everything about your cozy fort has to expand all of a sudden, but for it to do so, it is necessary to get out of it. Possibly even tear it down, and start over.

That’s when it struck me: is cozying up equal to staying in your amazing fort, or does it require some change to be even more awesome?

I understand your thoughts at this point.
“But, I love my fort the way it is!” And that is awesome.
Consider this: doesn’t it get better every time you add something new, like a secret entrance or a periscope built out of a paper towel roll?

My friends, that’s growth, and sometimes it requires stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Here’s the catch, though:
What if you need that comfortable fort as a place to retreat to after testing out your crazy ideas?
You go outside and construct an even bigger fort, sure, but it’s good to know you have a haven to retreat to when you need time to plan your next big move.
Maybe comfort could be the ally that gives you the courage to push yourself to new heights rather than your competitor.

Take this little nugget of advice to heart:
Comfort and development can coexist.
While your comfort zone provides you with a base of operations and the source of your abilities, your progress is the thrills that add interest to your life’s story.

The next time you find yourself curled up in your fort, think of other things you could add.
Remember that starting small is acceptable.
Maybe you’re just sort of showing up today, but who knows?
I think you could be ready to build a skyscraper fort by tomorrow!

Keep growing, keep comfortable, and most importantly, keep building those forts.
Who knows what amazing adventures lie just around the corner from your comfortable spot?

Find more QotD from Ragnar here:




Ragnar Legend
Follower Booster Hub

Exploring decentralization. Exploring self-sufficiency. Exploring self-custody. Trying to create stories about crypto and freedom!