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Reality Hacked: How Alan Watts’ Book on Tao Blew My Mind

Rigid rules and classifications are like opaque cages that confine our thinking

Cristiano Luchini
Follower Booster Hub
5 min readMay 27, 2024


Rigid rules and classifications are like opaque cages that confine our thinking — AI Image by Author (Stable Diffusion)

“The Tao — The Watercourse Way” by Alan Watts, published by Astro-Ubaldini Editore, has been a pure revelation for me. A work that shook the very foundations of how I related to reality, shaped by the rationalist and defining tradition of the West.

I have always been obsessed with the need to fill every space, to grasp and define every fragment of existence. From a young age, I was conditioned to categorize and label everything around me. A flower was reduced to a mere “plant”, a cloud to an insignificant “mass of water droplets”.

Yet, while reading Watts, I realized that in doing so I was betraying the ephemeral and transitory essence of things, their perpetual becoming.

“Aren’t we losing the sense of their impermanent dance?”

one of his reflections shook me deeply.


And the author responded:

“It is not the word, the definition, that fills existence with meaning. The void has already taken care of that.”



Cristiano Luchini
Follower Booster Hub

Creative, unconventional and interdisciplinary approach to knowledge. Vedanta Learner.