A Short Compilation

Remember the Purpose of Your Creation!

Why Are We Here?

Mystic Heart
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

In this article, I’ll share an excerpt from the book “Türkiye’de 1958 Öncesi Alınan Ruhsal Tebliğler” which can be translated into English as “Spiritual Communiqués Received in Türkiye Before 1958” and a verse from the Quran.

You’ll see that they give us a high, noble purpose for life and shed light on our path.

Let’s start…

In the end, you will return your property to nature itself.
Do not spare nature’s property from humans!
Give people as much as they want, as much as they can want!
You are being given too…
Give so that waterfalls come after every drop you give!

O mortal! Shed light; show; always guide people;
Until the light blinds them!
In the end, aren’t you going to leave everything where you took it from?
What is left to you when you change the world,
And what you own are just your manners and experiences.
Isn’t it?

Everything in the universe is for you.
It exists because it is necessary for your evolution.
On the other hand, your duty is just
To fulfill the requirements of progress.

Don’t be afraid.
Don’t be afraid of anything!
Think of God! Remember the purpose of your creation!
Then that we should not be afraid of anything,
Essentially, you understand.

Don’t rejoice for what you have,
It is yours because you deserve it.
Don’t be sad about what you don’t have.
The time for it was found early.

Turn inside yourself in one of your 24 hours and listen to it!
You hold the keys to simple realities.
Don’t ask anyone else; don’t tire everyone out!
Do not search for people you think are more advanced than you in the sky!

Close your eyes; see the universe!
Open your eyes and see the universe again!
Looking is not enough; you have to see.
Think about the wisdom of things!

Don’t look down on anyone!
If you despise others,
It means your inside is rusty and your prism is foggy.

Search, seek the truth!
Feel like a student preparing for the exam at all times — for yourself!
Know that you owe others; for them!

You have a duty to contribute to the development and evolution of those around you.

Never forget it!

  • Excerpt from the book “Türkiye’de 1958 Öncesi Alınan Ruhsal Tebliğler”

He is the One Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best at deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving.

  • The Quran, Mulk-2

The book “Türkiye’de 1958 Öncesi Alınan Ruhsal Tebliğler” contains enlightening and valuable spiritual messages obtained from higher spiritual realms from 1936 to 1958 through séances conducted by mediums, under the guidance of Dr. Bedri Ruhselman.

If you want to listen to the audiobook of Dr. Bedri Ruhselman’s last work, you can find the link here:



Mystic Heart
Follower Booster Hub

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻