Incredible Stories

The Human Spirit: Stories of Survival in High-Altitude Plane Crashes

Exploring the Unthinkable: Surviving a Plane Crash at Extreme Altitudes

Anthony R.✍️📖
Follower Booster Hub
2 min readApr 1, 2024


Vesna Vulović | This Day in Aviation

Miss Vesna Vulović, Jugoslavenski Aerotransport. (AFP PHOTO)

A Serbian woman named Vesna Vulović survived the biggest fall without a parachute in history.

Vesna worked on flight JAT 367, which exploded at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters in 1972.

Note: Non-members can read the full story at this link.

On January 26, 1972, Vesna Vulović, then 23 years old, was a flight attendant and set the world record for surviving the highest fall without a parachute.

She was working on board flight 367 of the airline “JAT Yugoslav Airways” when with nothing to predict, the plane exploded at an altitude of 10,160 meters (33,333 ft feet) while flying over the Czech Republic, called Czechoslovakia at the time. 50 years after the accident, no one has managed to surpass her record.

Flight JAT 367 was travelling from Stockholm to Belgrade.

