The Life Plan

There are No Coincidences in the Universe

Mystic Heart
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Yesterday, my medium friend Finn Hoornaert asked a very beautiful question in his article, which you can read below.

While answering this question, I mentioned the life plan before birth.

Now, I’ll try to explain this topic.

The information I’m about to provide now is based on spiritual sessions. Actually, all teachings of spiritualism are formed in this manner.

First, those who are wondering what spiritualism is can get a brief idea about this by reading the article below.

Let’s start …

Before birth, the soul reviews its past lives. It determines which experiences are lacking and how it can acquire this knowledge. Thus, a theoretical outline of its future life emerges. In essence, the main outline of the entire plan is created based on the soul’s own evaluations and desires.

If the soul desires to reincarnate for spiritual evolution, it informs its guiding entity first. The detailed plan to be made is very important; we never do it alone, nor can we. We are assisted by guiding entities or spirits who help us, and we prepare our life plans.

The guiding entity obtains the approval of the Incarnation Guidance Plan, which can be considered a community of higher guiding entities. As a result of the Incarnation Guidance Plan’s research on the soul’s need for evolution and the clear vision of the future, the life plan is recorded in the free consciousness field of the entity.

Before connecting to the worldly consciousness, this plan is integrated into the soul as vibrational knowledge. So, the soul is conditioned; it now owns a duty of destiny, and its actions are more or less determined. The starting and ending points are known step by step.

And we are born according to our plan. The answer to the question “Why was I born in 1974 and not in 1960?” is as follows:

The world has its own course of progression and formation, and the emergence of some things leads to the emergence of others, all according to the principle of cause and effect.

The maturity of time and space on Earth, the sequence of events from which we would benefit for our development, and our participation in these events could only begin after 1974.

Life before 1974 would not concern us much for this reason alone.

We cannot adjust all the details of the life plan according to our whims.

However, our destiny is not entirely definitive. Thus, the soul follows its life plan in a zigzag manner. Sometimes it makes breakthroughs through its own choices and efforts, and sometimes it obeys the warnings of its spiritual guide.

In the preparation of the life plan, guiding entities assist the soul and also help it in its implementation.

While executing its plan on Earth, the soul receives spiritual support, warnings, inspirations, courage, and other stimuli from its guiding entity within events.

Even some painful experiences are arranged by the guiding entity to prevent the soul from deviating from its path.

The task of guiding entities begins before the soul is born, continues throughout its earthly life, and ends with the soul’s passage to the afterlife.

Guiding entities do not interfere with human destinies; they only try to apply what is beneficial and necessary within the framework of the life plan.

The contribution of guiding entities to the preparation of the plan is related to the level of the soul’s need for evolution.

The desire comes from the soul itself, and the essential thing is to meet the needs of the soul in the prepared plan, as it is the soul that creates the plan.

Now, here, the above sentence:

“The contribution of guiding entities to the preparation of the plan is related to the level of the soul’s need for evolution.”

needs a bit more explanation.

If you aren’t mature enough to plan your next life, in this case, the higher entities will arrange a suitable life plan for you, and if you are successful in this plan or plans over time in this world school, then you can reach the level of being able to prepare your life plan.

And if you are a mature human being, these higher entities even do not interfere with your plan. You plan everything. The higher entities only arrange the conditions suitable to your plan, like when, in which country, and in which family you are born, or how many siblings you have, etc.

The purpose of human beings coming to this world is to evolve and serve evolution.

Therefore, the main goal of our life plans is to develop and serve development.

We are already in our own life plans and living them in this section of time and space.

We knowingly and willingly chose to come at this time, in this body, in this region, and in these conditions.

In the program we call life plan or destiny, the main arteries and channels are clear!

By what means, by what choice, and how we will reach these main channels are determined and shaped by our intentions and choices.

We can either implement this program by shortening the routes, or extend it by going through circuitous routes, or we may not implement it at all.

A sleeping, unaware person lives automatically without knowing, understanding, or seeing. These types of people are dragged along by the current mechanism of the system, carried away by the alluring, iridescent sparkles of the world. This is a drift as if lost in pain, expectations, and excessive desires…

Our main responsibility is to reveal our true essence, to be open to high vibrations with patience, courage, and love, and to develop by adapting to them.

If the choices we make are not in line with our life plan, psychological warnings are received, life-threatening dangers happen to us, major shocks are experienced, and the same events repeat endlessly. And we always encounter these repetitions.

Noticing these events and stopping and thinking about them depends on our conscious awareness.

The conditions of the world are really difficult, and being able to live a life plan under these conditions is a great skill and glory. And, this can only happen with knowledge and practice.

If you are not sure about your life plan, maybe the following quote by Silver Birch will help you get an idea:

“There is no joy and no duty equal to the feeling felt in helping people.

A world full of darkness; millions of people who have lost their way… There are countless people with sadness and troubles in their hearts and people who wake up every morning with fear and anxiety about what that day will bring…

If you can tell a person that he is not neglected, that he is not alone or forgotten; on the contrary, he is surrounded by the arms of endless love, and help him find some peace, that’s it!…Then you have accomplished a great task. This service you provide is much more important than other things.”

  • Silver Birch
Created by the Author using Unsplash

If you want to delve more into the truth you may find this article interesting, as well.

This topic is a little bit hard to grasp if you learn it for the first time. So, now, enjoy the music! …

Whatever your life plan is, may God always be with you! …

With Love🙏🏻



Mystic Heart
Follower Booster Hub

I share the words, thoughts and excerpts of the books of some wise people who enlightened my path of life. I hope what I share will enlighten your path too.🙏🏻