“The Moon and Sixpence” Revisited: The Horror of Male Selfishness

Reflections on Men’s Selfishness in W. Somerset Maugham’s ‘The Moon and Sixpence’

Wayne Shi
Follower Booster Hub


You may have come across the book “The Moon and Sixpence,” and I’d like to provide a brief introduction here for those who haven’t read it, to give you a general idea of what it’s about.

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This is just my personal opinion, and I’m also open to different perspectives.


“The Moon and Sixpence” tells the story of a man named Charles Strickland, a middle-aged stockbroker who has been married to his wife for seventeen years and has a pair of children.👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

One day, without any warning, the man suddenly went “mad“ and left home, and the reason for his departure was his desire to paint.😵‍💫😵‍💫

He left England for Paris and then went to a place called Tahiti.

During this time, he was almost an empty shell, caring for nothing but painting. He fell ill and was on the verge of death, but was saved by others. Instead, he seduced the wife of his savior, leading to the destruction of the man’s family.

Eventually, he went to Tahiti, where he lived off a woman’s coconut plantation and focused solely on painting.🎨



Wayne Shi
Follower Booster Hub

[⭐️Editor of Follower Booster Hub⭐️] tech guy as a senior cloud systems engineer. I also enjoy sharing what I have learned and experienced with others.