The Only Question that Gets Me a Job Offer Every Time I Ask in an Interview According to Catherine Lockhart

Moses Nartey
Follower Booster Hub
4 min readMar 5, 2024
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What if I told you that there is a secret recipe that can help you land your dream job in any field? A new recipe that has been tested and revealed by a career coach and former recruiter from Texas called Catherine Lockhart, and only a handful of people know about it. Would you be interested?

If you are, then you are in luck. Because in this blog post, I am going to reveal this secret recipe to you. And the best part is, you can use it for any job interview, whether it is online or in-person, formal or casual, technical or non-technical.

But before I do that, let me ask you a question. Do you have a child, relative, or friend who is also looking for a job or preparing for an interview? If you do, then you might want to share this blog post with them. Because this secret recipe can make a huge difference in their career prospects.

So, are you ready to discover this secret recipe? Then read on, because I am going to show you how to use it in the next few minutes.

According to Catherine Lockhart, a career coach and former recruiter from Texas, there is one question that she always asks at every job interview that has led to an offer every single time.

The Magic Question

So, what is this magic question that can impress any interviewer and show them that you’re the perfect fit for the role?

It’s “What does excellence look like in this role?”

This question is simple, yet powerful because it does three things:

  • It allows the interviewer to explain a little bit more about the day-to-day functions of the role, and what they expect from the person who will fill it.
  • It lets the interviewer know that you’re serious about performing and exceeding their expectations and that you’re not just looking for a paycheck.
  • It opens up a dialogue between you and the interviewer, where you can ask follow-up questions, show your enthusiasm, and demonstrate your fit for the role.

Catherine shared her advice on what to ask at an interview on her Instagram account, where she posts tips and tricks for job seekers. She said that this question has never failed her when it comes to interviews and that she has received positive feedback from the interviewers every time.

The link below shows Catherine Lockhart sharing with her followers on Instagram the only question that always lands her a job offer every single time she asks in an interview

You can also click Here to watch

What Else to Ask

Of course, this is not the only question that you can ask at the end of the interview. You should always have a few more questions prepared, to show your interest and curiosity about the company and the role.

Some examples of good questions to ask are:

  • What are the main challenges or opportunities that you face in your department or team?
  • How do you measure success in this role?
  • What are the next steps in the hiring process, and when can I expect to hear from you?

These questions can help you learn more about the company culture, the expectations, and the timeline of the hiring process.


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What Not to Ask

On the other hand, there are some questions that you should avoid asking at the end of the interview because they can send the wrong message to the interviewer and ruin your chances of getting hired.

Some examples of bad questions to ask are:

  • How much does this role pay?
  • How many vacation days do I get?
  • Can I work from home or have flexible hours?

These questions can indicate that you’re more interested in the benefits than the job itself and that you’re not committed or motivated to work for the company.

Catherine said that you should never mention PTO (paid time off) or ask about any other benefits at the interview stage because it can make you seem unprofessional and entitled.

She said that you should wait until you receive an offer, and then negotiate the salary and benefits with the HR or the hiring manager.

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The interview is your chance to showcase your skills, personality, and fit for the role. By asking the right questions, you can make a lasting impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of getting hired.
Remember, the one question that can make a difference is “What does excellence look like in this role?”
Try it out at your next job interview, and let me know how it went!
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post about the only question that gets me a job offer every time I ask in an interview according to Catherine Lockhart. This question has helped me land several amazing opportunities and I wanted to share it with you.

If you found this post useful, kindly follow me on Medium for more interesting stories and insights. I would love to hear from you and learn from your experiences as well. So, please leave a comment below and tell me what other questions you think are effective in securing a job offer. Thank you for your time and attention.



Moses Nartey
Follower Booster Hub

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