The Real Truth Of Medium

Do you use a medium to earn money from writing? How much do you earn until you know? Can the medium actually want us to earn from it?

Samoon mohd
Follower Booster Hub
5 min readMar 17, 2024


I searched and analyzed that medium, and medium don’t want to earn from it. That’s why I’m saying this, and you get the answer below.

I’m a student, and most of you are also and may be workpeople who do writing as a side hustle. we write for as a hobby, but now we all want to make money from that, so we are all on medium. But is it worth it? Can we make money from it?

Photo by Yasser Mutwakil ياسر متوكل on Unsplash

How did you get here?

Most of us write as a hobby, and one day you searched randomly for ways to make money from writing or how to become a content writer. You searched on YouTube and found a video about There are thousands of videos about medium, and they only tell you how to make money from medium. No one talks about medium difficulties. And now you are struggling to get a view of your store and engagement.

Can we actually earn from medium?

Yes, if you are consistent and write something good. but it is not a criteria to earn from the medium. The medium wants to know your nationality. If you are a person from that country and are eligible for the medium partner program, you can earn, but if you don’t belong to these countries, you don’t earn a penny from the medium partner program. the list of countries that are eligible for the medium-partner program:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Gibraltar, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

If you don’t belong to these countries, you don’t earn from the medium partner program because medium provides earning by stripe account, and stripe account is not supported in other countries.

What is a partner program?

A medium-partner program is a way by which you can earn. It is different from medium membership. If you are new and don’t know about it, you only need to click on your medium profile corner photo, and here below, one option is about the medium partner program [in Mockbook or in Laptoop]. You directly transfer to the medium partner program after clicking on it, and you can attach your bank document here [stripe] and start earning from your stories.

medium suppressed new writers?

It may be like that, but it doesn’t help very much. They show your story to very few people, and if they are interested in their story and read it, clap for it, and respond to it, then they spread it further. but as a new writer, you don’t get more recognition from readers either. If you are new, you feel that.

Break the medium algorithm

If you are waiting for that, our article boosted by Medium has not happened, and you are not making enough money from your writing. If you are relying on mediums, you are wasting your time. If you want to really make money from a medium, you need to get more views and reads on your story. If you are able to do it, you can earn from your first month, and you can do it very easily with some techniques. You can break the algorithm of the medium.

How to break the algorithm of medium?

Here are some important points for breaking the medium algorithm and earning more and more easily.

  1. Don’t rely on a medium algorithm. Yes, if you rely on a medium algorithm, you can’t do it very quickly; it may take years.
  2. Create your own community. Yes, if you want to earn very quickly, you can create your own community.
Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

How does it work?

Its work is simply done by you. If you do not follow other writers, then start following them and responding to their posts. When they see your notifications regularly, they definitely follow you, read your work, and give their feedback.

3. Follow for follow — yes, it is a very useful method to increase your reach and help others. If you follow me now, I can definitely follow you back.

4. Join follower-booster publications. Yes, you can join follower-booster publications. One of my favorite follower publications is Follower Booster Hub. If you know about other follower booster pubs, please let me know in the comments.

There are some ways to increase your reach and get views or reads for your story.

How do non-supported country writers earn from this platform?

If you belong to a non-supported country like me, there is no way to earn from a medium partner program other than one. If you want to earn from a medium in a non-supported country, then you have one relative in a supported country who can use their account to earn from a medium. but unfortunately, I do not have any relatives in supported countries by the medium-partner program.

So why can I write if I do not earn from it?

Yes, it is right that you don’t earn now, but in the future, your country may be eligible to earn from that platform, so I have my community and I earn directly; I don’t need to start from the beginning. may be a medium-open medium-partner program for these countries in the future: Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Hungary, India, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Malta, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.

The medium is the best platform to write here if you belong to a supported country. You can earn easily, even if you are a new writer, by writing good stories and applying the methods that I will explain to you. Starting is difficult, but if you sit here, you can make thousands of dollars.

Thank you for reading this article. If you like it, you can help me by buying me a coffee because I belong to a non-supported country with a medium partner program. It helps me a lot. thanks

