Old School vs. New School

Why Blogging in 2024 is No Longer About Just a Catchy Title

From Clickbait to AI: Do Modern Bloggers Need to Evolve to Keep Their Audience Hooked?

Create an image showing a blend of old-school and modern blogging elements. On one side, depict vintage blogging tools like a typewriter or classic paper and pen. On the other side, shows modern elements like a computer with AI symbols and digital content. In the center, illustrate a clock or hourglass to symbolize the concept of time as the ultimate master. The overall look should convey the evolution of blogging and the importance of balancing traditional creativity with modern efficiency.
Blogging Has Come a Long Way

Something set me off this morning. I am not sure if it was the Austrian penis-hater who took issue with DEI being dead or the old-school blogger lamenting about the way things were. But I am in the mood.

Do you have any idea how many posts are added to Medium on a daily basis? While Medium to not very transparent about its numbers, Medium has reported that over 1 million stories are published on the platform each month. This would translate to an average of around 33,000 posts per day.

Old School Blogging

In the old school days that would be a good month’s worth of blogging. Your ability to pick and choose the posts you wanted to read was as simple as skimming the titles. You are judging the book by its cover. Rule #1 established at the beginning of blogging CLICKBAIT TITLES WORK! If you want to be read you need a title that someone will click upon. Your mission is to back up the title with great content. It does not help if your reader clicks on the title to read your post, and your post is immediately underwhelming.



MrDon | Eliminate Gray Apocalypse 1 Blog at a Time
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Over 30 years in Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Operations, Management, Training, and Website Development did not save me. The Gray Apocalypse is Real.