Why Do We Procrastinate? Learn How to Overcome It

Five Effective Strategies to Stop Delaying and Start Doing.

Heroic Cheryl
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Good morning, everyone! As I took my breakfast today, I tuned into an interview with Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl, a leading authority on procrastination. His words hit home: procrastination is a challenge that many of us face, whether we’re students, professionals, or parents juggling a busy life.

Everyone procrastinates. It is seen in many cultures worldwide. In the Philippines, there’s a term known as the “Mañana habit,” which describes the tendency to put off tasks until tomorrow or later. The phrase comes from the Spanish word “mañana,” meaning tomorrow.

We often delay tasks until non-urgent tasks become urgent, creating a mountain of to-dos that has to be completed in a rush. While some people claim to perform well under pressure, that’s not true for most of us, myself included.

Working under pressure can cause significant stress and anxiety, affecting the quality of your work. As a result, you might make more mistakes when scrambling to meet deadlines.

In this article, let’s explore why we procrastinate, how it impacts our lives, and, more importantly, how to overcome it inspired by the book, Solving the Procrastination Puzzle.



Heroic Cheryl
Follower Booster Hub

I write about personal development, food recipes, travel, parenting, health and wellness and entrepreneurship.