Cat behaviour

Why does your cat go nuts for boxes?

The science behind cats’ box obsession

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Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

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Ever walk in and find your kitty curled up in a boring old cardboard box, looking super happy while that fancy cat bed you spent a fortune on gathers dust in the corner? This ain’t just a weird cat thing — it’s a deep-down instinct from way back when their ancestors roamed wild.

A Throwback to the Wild Past

Imagine a world where danger hides around every corner. That’s life for wild cats, where rivals and fights over turf are constant threats. Covered spaces like holes in the ground and thick bushes are super important hiding spots, keeping them safe and sound.

Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash

Fast forward to your domesticated fluffball, and their love for boxes taps into this very basic instinct. Cardboard walls become a fort of sorts, offering a safe haven to retreat from the craziness of your house, noisy kids, or the neighbourhood dog.

Has it ever happened to you to bring a new cat home and they spend days hiding in a box? It’s not just shyness; they’re simply getting used to their new home by finding comfort in a small, enclosed space.

A Box Full of Fun

But the box’s appeal goes beyond just feeling safe. Cardboard feels nice and scratchy, perfect for kneading with their paws — just like they used to do to mark their territory in the wild. The crinkly sound when they pounce on the box walls can sound like a scared little animal, triggering their hunting instincts.

And let’s not forget the box’s magic temperature control! Those cozy folds help trap their body heat, making a box the purrfect spot to curl up on a chilly day.

The Box Obsession

Cardboard boxes might be the top cat cave, but the truth is, cats are box lovers no matter what kind of “box” it is. Paper bags, laundry baskets, even tipped-over trashcans — if it offers a little hidey-hole, your cat will probably check it out to see if it can be their new personal sanctuary. The size of the box matters too. A big cardboard mansion might be ideal for spreading out, napping and hiding their toys, while a smaller shoebox offers a cozy mini playground — like a general in its tank (have you seen a cat on a mission?).

Respecting Your Cat’s Box Obsession

Not all cats are the same, and their box obsession can vary. Some felines will turn any cardboard container into their personal throne, while others might seem pretty chill about boxes. It’s important to watch your cat’s behaviour and respect what they like. Pay attention to their body language. A relaxed posture with perked-up ears means they’re loving their box kingdom. But if they seem squished, their ears are flat, or they hiss when you get close, it’s best to leave them be. Remember, a box should be a happy place, not a stressful one.

Purring can also be an indication of how much your cat is enjoying its box. Read more about purring here:

Turning a Box into a Cat Paradise

From my personal experience, any type of boring cardboard box or paper bag is more than enough for a cat, you can also jazz up your cat’s cardboard castle by cutting holes for them to peep out and survey their domain.

Sprinkle some catnip inside to get their playful side going, or dangle a toy from the opening for some fun and games. Cardboard boxes are a blank canvas for fun — a little creativity goes a long way in making a stimulating environment for your feline fur baby.

Celebrating Cat Behaviour

So, the next time you see your cat nestled in a box, don’t dismiss it as a silly habit. It’s a reminder of their amazing history and their natural need for security and fun with their senses. Embrace your cat’s cardboard obsession and watch their inner explorer and hunter come alive. After all, isn’t that what being a cat parent is all about — celebrating the adorable weirdness and fascinating instincts that make our feline companions so unique?

Do you have a story about your cat’s love affair with boxes? Share your experiences and photos in the comments below!

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Co-founder at Petme ( | Crazy cat lady | IP lawyer in my free time.