Wisdom’s Muscles — Part 16


Sam Mokhtari
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Welcome to our blog series on wisdom and its muscles. In previous parts, we covered wisdom’s foundation and its muscles including goodness, faith, acknowledgment, hope, fairness and contentment, gratitude, grit, trust, compassion, kindness, knowledge and understanding and Forgiveness.

Now, in this post, we will explore the next important muscle, which is humility. Humility is considered the primary wisdom muscle for making compassionate decisions. We will discuss the definition of humility within the context of wisdom, its role in nurturing wisdom, and practical techniques that can be employed to enhance it. So, let’s get started.

What is humility?

"Humility is acknowledging your limits in terms of knowledge and understanding. This means that no matter how much you know, there is always room to learn by being open to new ideas, listening to others, and being ready to accept and learn from mistakes. This humble strategy encourages you to continuously learn and respect others' insights and perspectives."

How Humility Impacts Wisdom?

Improving humility plays a critical role in developing wisdom. These impacts can be seen in several ways:

Humility enables continuous learning and growth

Humility enables individuals to acknowledge that they do not possess all the answers, opening the door to continual learning and growth.

Humility fosters empathy

Humility can help improve empathy and active listening, enabling comprehensive decision-making.

Humility enables Adaptability

People with humility are more flexible in changing their opinions when faced with new and better insights. Flexibility and adaptability are signs of wise individuals who make informed decisions.

Humility enables Ethical Behaviors

Humility enables the integration of integrity and ethics into decision-making, resulting in more comprehensive and thoughtful choices.

Humility leads to balanced insight

Individuals who practice humility can maintain a balanced perspective, which leads to wise decisions.

How to improve humility?

There are several effective strategies that can help improve humility. Here are some key methods:

Invest on Self-Awareness

Find time to understand your limits and strengths. Improve them with feedback from friends or mentors.

Be a good listener

When engaging in conversations with others, demonstrate genuine interest and actively listen. Additionally, pose open-ended questions to gain deeper insights.

Build a Continuous Learning Mindset

Always stay curious and open to learning new things. When you make a mistake, learn from it and apply those lessons to future experiences.

Use spiritual practices

If you believe in spiritual or religious practices, you can use them to cultivate humility. Most religions emphasize the importance of humility.


Humility is crucial for wise decision-making. It helps individuals listen actively, build a balanced perspective, and make sound judgments. Humble individuals are wiser, open-hearted, and make compassionate, informed decisions.



Sam Mokhtari
Follower Booster Hub

Technology thought leader with 15+ years in cloud, data analytics, and AI @ AWS | PhD | Author & Speaker | Life Mentor & Coach