Nurturing Wisdom

Wisdom’s Muscles — Part 6


Sam Mokhtari
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash

Welcome back to our exploration of wisdom’s fascinating terrain! In previous parts, we uncovered the secrets of wisdom’s foundation and its muscles including goodness, faith, acknowledgment and hope. Now, let’s dive into the next “muscle”: Fairness. Our goal is to make it more than just a concept; we’ll break it down, understand its role in the grand tapestry of wisdom, and discover practical ways to boost this crucial aspect.

Fairness: Definition and Importance

Fairness involves:

  • Impartiality: Treating everyone according to the same unbiased standards, regardless of their social status, wealth, or personal connections.
  • Equality vs. Equity: Equality means everyone receiving the same treatment or resources, while equity focuses on meeting individual needs to ensure fairness and balance.
  • Respect for Rights: Recognizing the inherent rights of all individuals and ensuring they are protected, regardless of circumstance.
  • Consideration of Context: Sometimes fairness requires taking individual situations or historical disadvantage into account, not just applying a rigid rule across the board.

The opposite of Fairness is Unfairness which manifests in ways like:

  • Bias: Disfavoring someone based on factors outside their control or unrelated to merit (race, gender, social connections, etc.)
  • Unequal Opportunity: Denying access to resources, advancement, or fair treatment due to prejudice or systemic disadvantage.
  • Exploitation: Taking advantage of a power imbalance, leading to someone benefiting at the direct expense of another.
  • Ignoring Need: Rigidly sticking to “sameness” when individual circumstances would necessitate different treatment to actually be fair.

Why Fairness Makes You Wiser

We usually think of wisdom as involving knowledge or sound judgment. But at its core, wisdom is also about acting in a way that’s both ethical and beneficial for the greater good. This is where fairness comes in. Here’s how it contributes to your overall wisdom:

  • Fairness as a Guidepost: When faced with choices, asking yourself “Is this fair?” cuts through complexity. It forces you to consider consequences for everyone involved, not just those who benefit you personally.
  • Seeing the Bigger Picture: Fairness isn’t just about single actions but considers entire systems. It’s about seeing the big picture and how everything connects — a sign of wisdom.
  • Building Character: Choosing fairness, especially when it’s hard, strengthens your integrity. Over time, this creates a foundation of trust, both within yourself and from others, leading to wiser decisions you can confidently stand behind.
  • Empathy in Action: Fairness requires putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. This continuous practice of empathy deepens your understanding of the world and helps you identify wiser courses of action that avoid unnecessary harm.

Remember fairness isn’t always easy or popular. But, the pursuit of it is an ongoing journey that makes you not only a fairer person but a wiser one.

Fairness and Wisdom: An Essential Link

  • Moral Foundation: A sense of fairness is rooted in a deeply held belief in human dignity and respect. This provides a compass for wise decision-making.
  • Conflict Resolution: Wisdom involves finding ways to resolve disputes justly, taking different needs and perspectives into account.
  • Societal Well-being: Unfair systems fall apart over time. A smart society works ahead to ensure fairness, keeping things balanced and stable in the long run.
  • Personal Growth: Facing unfairness helps us become more honest and understanding, which are parts of wisdom.

Sometimes seeking fairness requires challenging the status quo, which isn’t always comfortable, but a wise person sees the necessity. Understandings of fairness can vary. Wisdom involves being mindful of those differences but also upholding universal principles of human dignity.

Boosting Your Fairness Factor: Tips for a Wiser Life

Fairness isn’t just an ideal to admire — it’s a skill to actively strengthen. Here’s how to make it a consistent part of how you operate in the world:

  • Be Aware of Your Biases: We all have them — unconscious preferences that can cloud our judgment. Start by taking Implicit Association Tests to reveal potential blind spots. This awareness is the first step towards fairer decision-making.
  • Actively Seek Diverse Perspectives: Make an effort to include voices different from your own when making choices, especially ones that impact others. Read widely, engage in respectful dialogue, and listen to fully understand viewpoints that differ from your initial assumptions.
  • The “Flipping the Script” Exercise: When making decisions, imagine you are the person most likely to be negatively affected. How would you want to be treated? This empathy-building practice forces you to consider fairness on a deeper level.
  • Challenge Unfair Systems: Don’t just focus on your individual actions. When you encounter unfair policies or practices, speak up, vote with your dollars, and support organizations fighting for systemic change.
  • Accountability Matters: Invite those you trust to call you out when your words or actions fall short on fairness. This kind of feedback, though sometimes uncomfortable, is vital for growth and greater consistency in acting in a manner aligned with your values.

Remember striving for fairness is a lifelong process. Celebrate your progress, learn from missteps, and know that your commitment makes a tangible difference in creating a more just and wiser world.


Each act of fairness, however small, has a ripple effect. By treating others with fairness, you model behavior that can inspire change. You contribute to a culture where fair treatment becomes the expectation, not the exception.



Sam Mokhtari
Follower Booster Hub

Technology thought leader with 15+ years in cloud, data analytics, and AI @ AWS | PhD | Author & Speaker | Life Mentor & Coach