Hello from Folly Systems

Nishith Shah
Folly Systems


Deepa and I are excited to tell you about Folly Systems publicly for the first time. It has been in the making for quite some time now. After the extensive traveling over the last few years, we were itching to start again.

We knew the kind of company that we wanted Folly to be. We wanted Folly to be a small, friendly software company that builds consumer and enterprise products for the internet.

We knew the one thing that we will bring with us to Folly Systems from all the previous companies that we had founded. Make Mistakes. Make Mistakes has been central to the ethos of all the companies that we have founded in the past. It has always manifested in our attitude and in our aspirations.

As veteran entrepreneurs, we knew that once we have great people, a great team, we could succeed at just about any software product we find interesting. So before we even figured out the product that we will be working on, we wrote down the vision for Folly Systems. Our vision is to be the company where the best developers and product people in the world want to work.

And we wrote down what our commitments to our team will be. We said we will be committed to providing the best possible work environment to our team, both in terms of an office space, and an environment that is conducive to learning and personal growth. We will be committed to mentoring and coaching our team. And we will be committed to treating people well. And by writing these down, we want our team to hold us accountable.

Along the way, came the idea of metafolly, a product management platform for founders and product teams at fast-paced technology companies to discover, analyse, and decide what to build next. More on that in a separate post.

For now, please join us in welcoming Folly Systems! And if you are in Pune or visiting Pune, please do swing by our new office at WeWork, Magarpatta.



Nishith Shah
Folly Systems

Founder, Folly Systems. Previously founded Simple Token, Hem.com, Fab.com, Fabulis, Social Median, True Sparrow and Montred.