Introducing Listener

Nishith Shah
Folly Systems
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2020


First things first.. Metafolly is now Listener.

Our early hypothesis for Metafolly was that of a collaborative brainstorming platform for product teams to discover customer problems and product opportunities. We were imagining spatial boards and visual mappings.

Fun ideas, but we were getting ahead of ourselves. We narrowed these down further and focussed on one problem.. bringing the voice of your customers to your teams. It is imperative for everyone in the team to get the context of the customers.. their pain, their challenges, their desires, their aspirations. With that in mind, we got working on Listener.

And while we started building Listener, the Covid-19 pandemic forced us all into a global remote-working experiment. Zoom and other video meeting apps quickly became a critical part of how we met and how we communicated. And with the whole world changing around us, one thing became certain. The way we work will never again be the same.

So what does Listener do?

Listener enables you to bring the voice of your customers to your teams. It helps you capture the most important highlights of your Zoom video meetings and tell great stories.

Be it discovery interviews, usability testing sessions, customer feedback calls or requirement gathering sessions, with Listener by your side, you can bookmark important moments of your Zoom meetings in real time. These are then converted into short video clips that can be shared with your teams, allowing them to hear it directly from the customers in their own words.

You can create a playlist of these byte sized video highlights to tell a compelling story, to present to investors, or to help your team relive the aha moments and feel the customers’ emotions without actually being present on the customer calls.

These are still early days for Listener and we are committed to building it closely with our customers. If you think you will benefit by using Listener, please request early access here. We will be delighted to onboard you.

Btw, we are right now supporting only paid/licensed Zoom accounts, but are working on supporting free Zoom accounts as well very shortly. Stay tuned.



Nishith Shah
Folly Systems

Founder, Folly Systems. Previously founded Simple Token,,, Fabulis, Social Median, True Sparrow and Montred.