How To Purchase The Mr Bean NFT on

Fomo Lab
Fomo Lab
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2022
The Mr Bean Official NFT Collection will be available on from 25th May 2022

The Mr Bean Official NFT Collection will be live from today, 25th May 2022 for those on the Beanlist!

See the below detailed instructions on the mint process for the Mr Bean NFT collection which includes further details on the dates and times.

Mint site:

Watch out for scam links — the link above is the only link to mint the official Mr Bean NFT Collection!

For more information and to join live AMA’s, voice chats, giveaways and much more, join the Fomo Lab Discord!

How to purchase the Mr Bean NFT

  1. Connect your Ethereum wallet address through the “Connect Wallet” button — this will enable you to connect your wallet (Metamask or any other compatible wallet)
Click “Connect Wallet” on the top right of

2. Once your wallet is connected to the site, select the “Mint Now” button to initiate the first interaction with the Mr Bean NFT minting process!

Select one of the “Mint Now” buttons

3. Select the amount of Mr Bean NFTs you would like to purchase (adhering to the max mint amounts for each stage of the mint)

Please also ensure you have enough ETH which will cover the cost of the NFT(s) and gas!

Select the quantity to mint* and click “Mint Now” (image refers to the Waitlist / Public mint price)

4. Proceed with the transaction confirmation of your purchase through the respective wallet you have connected to the

Click “Confirm” if you are happy to proceed

5. Once the purchase of the NFTs have been completed, you will be able to view your NFT(s) on: The Avenue, OpenSea and LooksRare

Official Mr Bean NFT Collection on OpenSea

6. You can now view your NFTs, list amongst other elements on OpenSea and LooksRare — with the ability to view, purchase & sell functionalities to be embedded into the update of The Avenue V3 (which will be going live soon)

Where To View The Mr Bean NFT

Mint site:

Watch out for scam links — the link above is the only link to mint the Official Mr Bean NFT Collection

View, List and Purchase your Mr Bean NFTs:

OpenSea 👈

Looks Rare👈

The ability to view, buy and sell (with many more functionalities!) will be available on TheAvenue v3 which will be going live soon

The Mr Bean NFT Collection Details

The Mr Bean NFT collection consists of 3,333 NFTs, it will be the first of its kind, commemorating the cultural phenomenon that is Mr Bean, allowing holders to own a piece of history created with one of the most recognisable personas.

Beanlist Mint:

  • May 25, 2022 7:00 PM UTC — May 26, 2022 7:00 AM UTC
  • 0.1ETH, maximum of 2 per wallet
  • 1,500 Beanlist spots
  • Any NFTs not minted on the Beanlist will be rolled over to the Waitlist

Waitlist Mint (FCFS):

  • May 26, 2022 7:00 AM — May 26, 2022 7:00 PM UTC
  • 0.12 ETH, 2 Mint per wallet
  • All wallets who registered on Premint but did not get on Beanlist can mint on Waitlist
  • We understand that there are a lot of people (approximately 26,000+ wallet addresses) on the Waitlist — we have done everything possible to optimise the contract to avoid a gas war too!

Public Mint:

  • May 26, 2022 7:00 PM UTC
  • 0.12 ETH, 10 Mint per wallet
  • Any NFTs remaining after Beanlist and Waitlist will be available on Public sale

Mint site:

Watch out for scam links — the link above is the only link to mint the Official Mr Bean NFT Collection

For more information and to join the live AMA’s, voice chats, giveaways and much more, join the Fomo Lab Discord!

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Fomo Lab

FOMO Lab is a full suite DeFi NFT platform, management company & creation studio.