TT Trailers: An Interview

Font Stuff
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2020

We learned more about the design and inspiration behind TT Trailers, the #14 bestselling new font at MyFonts in 2019.

What inspired you to design this typeface? Were you designing for a specific use case or customer? Or were you more focused on a particular artistic vision? Or some combination of both?

The original idea for TT Trailers was to make a narrow typeface for use in movie posters and captions. Typically, such fonts are made strictly geometric, but I wanted to get away from strict geometry and try to make a narrow humanist font, with a closed aperture of characters and noticeable contrast. In addition, I wanted to keep the amount of internal white in the transition from thin styles to bold.

Walk us through the process of designing this typeface. Was there anything different about it, compared to your usual process? Did it come along more easily than others, or were there unique challenges?

The main difference between this project and other projects is that for TT Trailers we made our first variable font. We had never worked with variable fonts before, and we had to learn everything from scratch and solve a bunch of problems inherent in creating variable fonts.

Looking ahead, are there new projects you’re excited about? Anything you haven’t tried yet but are eager to explore?

If we talk about more precise things, then I would like to draw a beautiful true italic.

