Why we choose The Arweave Project for our NFT project.

Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2020


At Font.Community, we have unique challenge in making fonts as NFT. Unlike most NFTs like ROPEs, MEMEs, NUDEs etc. Digital goods like fonts needs more properties.

  1. Premium Files(Digital Goods) should not be available to users unless the user buys the license. But it should still stored in decentralized storage.
  2. These premium files keep ship new versions, which will be again issue in storages like IPFS.
  3. IPFS is not reliable.

After studying multiple options on decentralized storage, we decided to choose Arweave Project for storage. Following are the some of the advantages of Arweave over other storage like IPFS.

  1. Extendable: Digital goods can have multiple versions / revisions by upload each file as new transaction to same account.
  2. Support: Great dev support and documentations. Arweave have most dev among decentralized storage projects.
  3. Availability: Available as HTTP API and queryable tools make easy to build stuffs.
  4. Cost: Storage cost are cheap compared to even AWS.
  5. Reliable: There is no guarantee that Files in IPFS live forever, but Arweave can host forever because of good incentive mechanism.

There are around 2500 font creators who created around 50,000 premium fonts world wide. Even for 500,000 fonts at 1Mb size average each, we need 500GB storage capacity. We can store that for as little as 1700AR(as per current price) forever.

