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Corporate Buzzwords Explained

Joanna Ngai
Foobar Comics
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2018


Every industry has their own set of slang and acronyms. Here’s your guide to corporate speak so you can get ahead and dazzle the audience at your next meeting. Now let’s lean in and craft a differentiating, value adding strategy!

Buy In = To get agreement from someone who you neglected to share the original idea.

‘I’ve been working on this idea for about 7 months now. Perhaps we should check in with so-and-so to get their buy-in.’

Craftsmanship = Something designers use to describe anything and everything.

Fit and finish = Something related to what Steve Jobs would get mad at you for ignoring.

Ideate = Another word for “think”.

Low hanging fruit = Easiest tasks of the day that produce a quick fix.

Learnings = A cringe worthy way of saying teaching/lesson.

Let’s table that = A nicer way of saying let’s never speak of this again.

‘[Insert intensely complex and detailed question] …hmm let’s table that’

Let’s take a step back = What you say when you want people to stop talking over each other.

Leverage = Commonly used in place of the word “use”.

Make it pop = When a client wants you to emphasize something but won’t tell you what it is.

‘It’s close but let’s make it pop!’

Move the needle = Commonly used in place of the word “progress”.

Open the kimono = A creepy way of saying to be transparent.

Synergy = Commonly used in place of the word “teamwork”.

Think outside the box = A unoriginal phrase meant to inspire original ideas.

‘Let’s all take a step back and think outside the box.’

Touch Base = Commonly used in place of the word “talk.”

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Feel free to check out my design work or my handbook on UX design, upgrading your portfolio and understanding design thinking.

