Castles in the Chalewote Clouds

Salma Braimah
The Food Bard
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2017

I’ve always believed that the best way to prepare for something is to plan and plan and plan. But to be honest, planning for what is to be our debut into any kind of commercial selling has made me realise that no amount of planning can stop you from feeling how unprepared we feel.

The decision to participate in Chalewote this year was made at last year’s Chalewote. Kiko and I traversed the grounds and I was personally astounded by the sheer number of people that showed up. And we only showed up for Saturday. Kiko has been looking for an avenue to launch himself (so to speak) for quite a while and there’s no bigger sample space to test your ideas and advertise yourself than Chalewote.

The thing is our dreams go beyond an occasional stand at a street festival and much needed hype on Twitter. Our castles are built on more than just clouds and air. Our aspirations are grounded in the fact that we can do more than you’ve seen. Achieve more than you expect. Become bigger than you can imagine. But, you see, our dreams are tangible. It’s in every single morsel of our food you bite into. Every sauce you taste. Every picture of our food escapades you see. We’re building. Slowly. Gradually. Stepping up and improving our skills. Making sure that every food experience you have with us is worth a thousands words. But first we need to take that first step that will push us into orbit. Chalewote is that step.

It’s ok if you don’t see what I’m talking about now. I’ve bought into the idea of this castle in the sky. And now his dream has become my dream too and on some days I see the castle as clear as day. But sometimes I don’t see it all too clearly. Sometimes I don’t see it at all. Sometimes fear and paranoia creep around me like a fog and I can barely see beyond tomorrow. Taking a step forward seems a daunting task. And there’s more comfort in right now. But I can’t stay in the “right now” forever. So I peer through the fog and take a step forward. Uncertain of the future but certain that I don’t want to remain where I am. Little steps that eventually take us to the place where we want to be. The place we need to be.

So if you happen to pass through the much acclaimed Chalewote Street Festival, and you happen to pass by The Big O food stand in the main square, find a minute or two to take a bite out of our dreams. I promise you won’t regret it.

Yours ever,

The Sous Chef.

