Tuesday Marketips — Edition #1

Mattia Michini
Food Branding And Marketing
5 min readOct 11, 2016


Welcome to our first Tuesday Marketips!

Every week we’ll share articles about marketing & social media that will improve your tasty business.

The No-BS Guide to Increasing Engagement on Your Website

With the multitude of website building platforms, plug-and-play components and hosting services available today, a slick website that does what you actually want it to do is not a back-breaking project anymore. But as anyone who’s ever managed a website will tell you, building a website is the easy part.

It’s everything that comes after that stage that’ll kill you. Monetizing your new site. Driving steady, relevant traffic. Providing an engaging, fresh content experience for site visitors. Stuff like that.

Having been there and done that more times than most, Rohan Ayyar gives us his two cents.

6 Ways Brands Can Leverage Instagram Stories

Smart content marketers care about how to leverage their game to build a community, connect with it, and make the brand part of their audience’s life.

With 500 million monthly active users and more than 90 million daily uploaded photos and videos, Instagram is a mobile community where a brand should be present.

Use these six Instagram Stories tips as a how-to guide for your visual content marketing strategy.

SEO Techniques for Beginners That Don’t Cost Money

The worst thing about SEO is it constantly changes.

The SEO techniques that worked a decade ago won’t work now and those which are working now might not work a year from now. However, there are a few SEO techniques that are consistent and don’t change. By mastering those strategies, you can bring more search traffic to your sites.

This article will explain how can you use those strategies to grow your search engine traffic and sales and how you will know where to start if you’re just beginning to dive into SEO with a minimal budget.

Infographic: 11 amazing hacks that will boost your organic click-through rates

Do you care about your organic click-through rate (CTR)?

Pages that have a higher-than-expected CTR tend to rank higher in search results. Every three-percent increase in CTR beyond the expected for a given organic position will improve your organic rankings, on average, by one position.

For another, pages with higher CTRs tend to have higher conversion rates. If you get people excited enough to click on your search listing, that excitement tends to carry through all the way to a conversion, whether it’s capturing a lead or making a sale.

Do you care now? If so, the infographic in the article shows you how to quickly boost your CTR.

The 7 best ad and landing page elements to boost online conversions

When it comes to success with paid search, it’s not just about ad copy. You have to pay attention to your ad extensions and your landing pages as well.

In this article, Mona Elesseily will discuss the specific ad features and page elements that searchers/shoppers want when they’re shopping online. She’ll also cover ways to also incorporate the elements using PPC/paid search.

At the beginning of every section, she have included the percentage of shoppers who want specific elements, so you can prioritize your element efforts.

Why You Should Be Turning Social Proof Into Sales

Consumers Look For Social Proof. While consumers are actively avoiding advertisements, everybody is looking at user-generated content.

Just think about how much time people spend on social media every day looking at pictures, opinions and spontaneous thoughts of their friends and people like them. Mark Zuckerberg said users spend an average of 50 minutes per day on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger.

Consumers today are interested in–and are being inspired by–what their peers are saying, doing and purchasing. And the reason is social proof.

4 Proven Principles of Psychology to Boost Your Conversions

According to research by Econsultancy, only 22 percent of companies are satisfied with their conversion rates. They found the average business spends just $1 on conversions for every $92 spent on acquiring customers. This explains the abysmal conversion rates of most businesses.

If your online business is suffering from poor sales or struggling with increasing revenue, the solution isn’t to get more traffic. Instead, improve conversions from your existing traffic.

Often, what ensures a conversion boost isn’t more persuasive copy or a longer sales page. Understanding the following principles of psychology can make all the difference.

5 Lessons on Optimizing a Facebook Page From Red Bull

With death defying stunts, movie grade production quality, and a relentless drive to continually push the boundaries of how we define a brand, Red Bull has proven to be one of the 21st century’s marketing greats.

Yet most marketers don’t have even close to the marketing budget that Red Bull has to work with. So there’s probably not much that we can learn from them right?

Wrong! In fact, there are a number of lessons that we can learn from Red Bull, particularly when it comes to Facebook.

21 Secrets Behind Viral Infographics

It’s no secret that infographic marketing works.

90% of information that’s transmitted to our brains is visual. So it’s not surprising that publishers who use infographics generate more traffic, shares and backlinks than those who don’t.

But just because you can whip together an infographic from a cookie-cutter template builder doesn’t mean it will go viral.

If you want to guarantee your next infographic drives the results you’re looking for then you need to check out these 21 tips that Jeff Bullas and Brian Downard put together. Its a look under the bonnet of what is behind creating those viral infographics.



Mattia Michini
Food Branding And Marketing

Brand & Digital Designer from Italy. Food lover + tech enthusiast.